The great chicken coop makeover….with recycled material of course!
With winter right around the corner....or a couple of corners, I hope.....I decided our hens would like a warmer coop. They survived the last...
Eating up all the garden mistakes
This last few days have been sort of a blur of frenzied picking, hauling, digging, hauling and stacking garden produce in the new greenhouse,...
It’s here; freeze warning!
We had out frost scare last week, then it got nice and warm again. It's that period ever fall when we get a...
Do you ever have one of those days???
Misguided people think that everything is always rosy and runs smoothly on our homestead. Ha ha! They should have been here today....
You’re so lucky to have a son who works so hard!
Fortunate, for sure. Lucky? Maybe. Or maybe it's just that he's always been with his dad and I, wanting to "help" with whatever we...