And I thought I was done planting peppers
I had forgotten to look in the bin that has customer-donated heirloom seeds! Oops! Well, I did and found four interesting, new-to-us peppers, two...
We’re above 40 degrees F today
After a long cold spell, today's sunny warmth is so very welcome! First, let me thank all of you for your lovely prayers and...
I have some sad news
Our son, Javid, passed away yesterday morning, peacefully, in his sleep. Although it was very hard for me, I know he'd been fighting a...
The sun’s out and the birds are singing
Well, at least some of the birds are singing. Our temperatures are in a warming trend now and boy are we ever glad. We're...
All those great plans
You know, I planned on planting my first pepper seeds last Friday. Well, that didn't happen. I'll tell you why. We've been having a...