I waited (painfully) for several days to get my MRI and appointment to orthotics. But it was worth the wait. I had been babying my knee as I was afraid I’d torn a ligament or something similar. But yesterday, I went to my orthotics appointment and got the good news that my painful knee was just a nasty sprain! Plus, I got a cortisone shot in both knees and today I feel much better. For the first time in a week, I can bend my right knee and ride in the car without severe pain.

Our little pepper seedlings are up and looking great!

So, today, I even went shopping with Will to catch up on a few items and this afternoon, I’m back at planting tomato seeds. I’m so grateful for all the prayers and good wishes plus the outcome of the MRI. Today the sun’s shining brightly and even more of my poor little donkey planter is showing through the melting snow.

With spring coming on strong, it won’t be long before we start seeing wonderful sights like these ripe tomatoes.

Will’s able to do more too, following his successful second stent procedure so we’re both pretty happy campers, looking forward to gardening this spring and getting the greenhouse up and running for all the little seedlings that are up in the house. — Jackie


  1. maybe late to comment but its great news about your
    knee ! isn’t cortisone great, don’t over do though because pain and damage can get a lot worse before you can have another shot. Been there !! wound up with both knees and both shoulders replaced in the last 3 years, arthritis is evil and so is over doing with the joints. good luck with your sprain and of course the gardens.

  2. So happy to hear the good news. Yay for tomato planting. Will continue to keep you guys in prayer.

  3. Not sure of your weather today but we got 3-4 inches of heavy, wet snow. It will melt fast and moisture is moisture. Thankfully temps will stay above freezing so *hopefully* none of those sneaky slick spots.

    • We got a little wet snow too, but it’s all melted as the temps are now mid 40’s. Yea!!!

  4. Wonderful news to hear. Thank you for the update. I have been wondering how you were doing.

    • We’re back in the saddle again. I’m still limping but that’s going to heal and I’m so happy!

  5. That’s great news that you’re both on the mend! All things considered, it was the best time for it to happen. Maybe God’s way of saying ‘hey you two, take a little break.’ Continued prayers for your health!

  6. So glad to hear your good news for both of you. You glad us all worried for you. Take care of yourselves as we only have one Jackie and Will ?

  7. It’s great to hear that both of you are doing better. Spring is finally here for good it looks like here in Texas. My tomatoes have been in the garden for about 3 weeks now and they are blooming. We have been munching on lettuce, radishes, green onions, kale, spinach, and Swiss chard. Life is good. I have green beans, wax beans and lima beans up also. Potatoes are up and bushy. Some ready to bloom already. We received 1.6 inches of rain the other day, so we are good to go for a little while considering we are in a drought. Wishing you both the very best on your recoveries.

    • Awww. Blooming tomatoes in the garden?? That’s only a fond wish for us at this point. It’s so interesting to see what is happening in various areas of the country. I hope your drought has subsided. They are so tough on us all.

  8. It’s so wonderful that you’re both on the mend! Our tomatoes have true leaves and I’m planning to put up wall-o-waters week after next. It’s such an exciting time of year. Melinda and I continue to send healing thoughts from Minneapolis! Take care!

    • Boy are we!! I’m busy planting tomato seeds and Will is hauling in more firewood and logs for lumber. Lots of sawing planned this year!

  9. Great news on the medical front for both of youse.
    Excitement is building with the spring thaw, I also have tomatoes coming up.
    I do have a question, when would you put seedlings out in an unheated hoop house? Say what the inside temp should be? we’re in pine county. I do have a propane heater I’ve used in the past.

    • We don’t like to put plants out in an unheated greenhouse until the night time temps are dependably above freezing. We usually put them out before this and heat with propane in the evenings. Just to be safe and keep those heat loving peppers happy.

    • We’re so happy about the knee and to be planting again. Those seeds like to have temps of 65-80 to germinate quickly. I hope you get some nice weather soon!

  10. Wonderful news all around, and pleased to hear you both are on the mend. Just in time for spring gardening.

    • That’s for sure, Dawn!! We’re just about dancing around, now being able to function normally.

  11. Ever so grateful for your
    Positive Updates. We will
    All just be keeping you
    And Will in our prayers.
    We are alternating with
    70’s and snow here in KS
    So spring has been unsettled
    Trying to be green.

    • I’m sure all of your prayers are being answered faithfully. We’re slowly warming up to the 40’s in the day and high 20’s at night so snow’s going fast but soaking in instead of running off. No green yet.

  12. I am so glad things are going so well for both of you health wise . Thank you Lord for answering prayers .

  13. Thanks for the update was wondering about you. Prayers for a speedy recovery for you and Will

  14. Great news about both of you! Spring is trying to happen here…might head over to Mt Vernon to see the tulips and daffodils today…or next week after folks are back to work…! JoyceA

    • Wow! Tulips and daffodils. Ours are just buried in snow about 3′ deep from the plow berm. But I know they’re down there, waiting for it to melt, singing spring songs!

  15. Glad your news was better than it could have been. Anything fixable is great! Take care.
    katherine jordahl

    • We’re so grateful that our news was so good. We, too, considered what else could be wrong and were kind of down about it. Now, we’re dancing on tippy toes!

  16. Sprain, rain – what’s an S between friends. Glad to hear the “good” news. And I see Will didn’t perish from hunger lol. Got a couple of inches of wet, sloppy snow (more than forecast) and will likely get an inch or so again tomorrow. Then rain in the forecast for the following five days. We’ll take the moisture and deal with the asparagus bed (may have to rake it off and pull residual weeds as too wet to burn before temps warm up).

    • We were so tickled that my knee was just sprained instead of the many alternatives! No, Will managed to tough it through, although not much actual cooking was involved. Rain is a good thing this time of the year. It freshens everything up and soaks away the dog poop in the driveway!!

  17. YAY! So good to hear you’re doing better! You’ll make many folks smile when they see your post. A sprain is nasty, so I’m still feeling bad for you, but with a happy heart.

    • We’re both so tickled. I think Will’s happy because I’m cooking again. My sprain is 80% better and that’s enough for me to be up and doing again. That makes me very happy!!!

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