I’ve been canning up a storm trying to gain some freezer space. Since Will brought home about 200 pounds of hamburger from a steer we had butchered, I have extra motivation for canning more meat and meat recipes.

Friday I thawed out a shank portion ham that I got on sale. Over the weekend I first cut ham chunks from it, then dices, and canned these prime pieces. When there was still considerable meat left on the bone, I put it into a large stockpot with water and boiled it for an hour or so. Then I cooled the pot and later skimmed off the excess fat and took out the bone. Then I cut even more pieces from it, adding them to the broth, along with grated carrot and chopped onion, garlic, salt and pepper. Bringing this up to a boil, I added the dry beans I’d soaked overnight. When the pot again came to a boil, I ladled 1/3 of a jar full of beans/veggies and filled it to within an inch of the top with broth. This gave me 10 jars of ham chunks and 27 jars of ham and bean soup. Again the bone went into the stock pot with half a pot of water. I simmered it for a couple of hours, then fished out the spent bone. Adding split peas, grated carrots, chopped onion, and garlic, along with salt and pepper to taste, I again filled jars — only 10 pints, this time.

When all was finished, I had 47 meal ingredients/meals from one half a ham. Not bad! Today I’ve got 10 pounds of hamburger thawed out and a kettle brimming with soaked beans. So this afternoon, it’s going to be another batch of chili. We use a lot of this, especially in the winter with a nice batch of cornbread to go with it.

We are excited that we just got our Seed Treasures catalogs from the printer. They look great and I’ll start sending them to customers who’ve requested them. Past customers will receive theirs, mailed bulk mail from the printer. Wow, suddenly spring seems a lot closer! — Jackie


  1. Deb,

    Let’s see; we have five cows expecting in July(ish), and a doe goat, in late March. We’ve downsized our goat herd temporarily so only one doe presently and one buck. The barn’s getting finished but not so, yet, so everyone is still in their “old” quarters. The interior rock and cement half walls took Will a long time as because of the haying and all the rain last year, he spent much longer trying to get our hay up. But, hopefully, next year, everyone will be able to use the barn. It IS looking very nice and will be so convenient, especially with the new well down by the spring basin, which is working very well.
    Everything on the homestead takes four times as long to finish and costs at least twice what you thought it would! Fact of life. But we’re patient.

    It’s too bad you can’t make the seminar as we’d love to see you again. We’ve already got our first student signed up and hope for a great time for all.

  2. Rick,

    The town of Green River is quite a ways from Jess’s place on the Upper Green River Lake. That’s the lake in most of the pictures showing Square Top. It’s all wilderness around it now; you drive in about 20 miles up a two track Forest Service road to the lake and trailhead to the Bridger Teton Wilderness. I only own “the ranch” in my dreams!

  3. I am so impressed with your catalog. I hope it brings in many more orders.
    You are the busiest and most productive woman I know. You have many talents and yet find time for all of us out here who are trying to emulate you.
    Your money saving ideas have helped me and I am busy today making a pot of cauliflower soup. Yesterday was black bean. There is nothing like a pot of beans and cornbread or a hot bowl of soup to make you feel comforted and cozy. I would love to hear more about all the animals. How many are expecting? How about a picture of them in the new barn? I bet they are so happy Will finished it and they must be very comfortable. I would love to come to the seminar but may have to wait til next year. If anyone out there wants a great learning experience they should really try to come in August. It will be the best money you have ever spent plus the meals are marvelous.

  4. If saving money on fuel is important, brine your beans and lentils (unless lentils are French green) instead of just soaking them. Directions are on
    America’s Test Kitchen and there’s a Youtube video too. Brining cuts cooking time down a lot and the beans are perfect – fewer exploded and broken beans, skins are tender, insides are soft but not mealy. If you live at altitude brining will give you the best beans you’ve ever eaten, without the use of a pressure cooker.
    Cornbread is one of my favorites (preferably baked in a cast iron skillet) but I’m still looking for the best recipe. Lately I’ve been soaking the cornmeal in the buttermilk overnight because it makes a less grainy and more tender cornbread. Others whiz the cornmeal in a blender to make a finer meal, but I don’t have a blender and the soak works just as well.

  5. Miss Jackie, I did the search and was disappointed in that many websites showed a lot of man made clutter and buildings etc especially near the town of Green River….but I kept looking and found a site with some great scenery. That lake with the stone monolith with the squared off top were in many of the pics, but from different vantages. Would love to go there…..I didn’t see an appropriate place to have a little wilderness ranch/homestead….More is the pity. I love Jess’ little ranch with the lake and cabin….I wonder if it will be for sale….You made that setting LIVE for me!!!!!

    We too love the homemade soups, meats and broths etc. It’s easy to put out a nice meal quickly if unexpected guests arrive or if we come home hungry. Rick

  6. Your catalog came this weekend! WOW Such great choices. Can’t wait until I can order.

    Thank you for sharing about canning soups with beans. I am going to try that bean and ham soup. Thanks!!!

  7. I am so jealous! Jim and I have been talking about canning more chicken and ground beef back, but hard to find the time with work, but maybe this weekend! Enjoy your canning (and those delicious meals as well!)


  8. Jackie, you are such an inspiration to all of us for so many reasons. You’ve given me so many ideas for stretching our food dollars. We got our catalog yesterday! So tickled to get it. Our order’s on its way!

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