Christmas pickle recipe
Some one wrote to you looking for a Christmas pickle recipe using maraschino cherries. I just did two batches and they look delicious. The recipe was originally used cucumbers left at the end of the season that were turning white and yellow. The larger the better. I apologize for not remembering whose blog I found it on.
Red Christmas pickles:
16 large, very ripe cucumbers (ripe, but not soft)
2 large jars of maraschino cherries (or 3 (10 oz.) jars)
7 cups sugar
1 pint white vinegar
1/2 tsp. oil of cloves
1/2 tsp. oil of cinnamon
(I purchase my oils through Lorann, Inc. @
Remove ends, peel, remove seeds and cut cucumbers into 1 inch pieces. Cook cucumber pieces with water until barely tender. Drain.
Mix syrup ingredients in a pot and heat to a boil. Pour over cucumbers (I put my cukes and syrup in a stock pot) and cover. Let stand over night.
Next morning, pour off syrup into a cooking pot and reheat to boiling. Pour over cucumbers again. Let stand all day and over night.
Next morning, cut cherries in half and add to cucumbers and syrup, juice included. Bring entire contents to a boil. Ladle into hot jars, leaving ½ inch headroom. Wipe tops with clean cloth, remove air bubbles, cover. Process in a hot water bath for 10 minutes after the canner has returned to a full boil.
Joe Tubb
Wartburg, Tennessee
Thanks so much, Joe! This sounds like a fun and tasty recipe. I’ll be sure to try it soon. — Jackie
Food mill and ketchup recipe
I am trying to purchase a food mill and there are so many to choose from so I thought maybe you could recommend a style or brand that you like. Do you use one when making your tomato sauce that you cook down in the oven? Plus do you have a ketchup recipe you could share?
Deborah Motylinski
Brecksville, Ohio
I have and really like my Victorio Tomato Strainer. This is a cheaper model than the Squeezo, but has worked very well for me. Yes, I always use one when making any tomato puree food. It sure cuts down the work and makes things faster. My favorite ketchup recipe can be found in my book, Growing and Canning Your own Food, pg. 120) — Jackie