I was so jealous of my sisters, Sue and Deb. Both had flocks of robins arriving in their yards. Us? Nada. But today our first one arrived, and we were so thrilled! Will was looking out in the backyard, and he yelled to me “Come look! Is that a robin?” Of course, I jumped up and took a look. Yep, a nice male robin was hopping through the grass. Spring is here! Well, kind of spring. We’ve lived here long enough to not believe spring has really come. We’ll get more snow. In fact, freezing rain and snow are scheduled for this weekend. Oh great… But our first Pussy Willows are starting to open slowly, and the snow is going away at 50 degrees for a couple of days. At least we’re able to start doing spring things. This afternoon, after I get another flat of tomatoes planted, I’m going out on the riding mower and mowing our flower beds in preparation to mulching them before the tulips and daffodils start popping up. They’ll come soon now.

Our chickens are starting to lay like crazy. I got 7 eggs yesterday from 9 hens. Not bad when some are 10 years old!

Yesterday, Will and I went to Nett Lake and taught a seed starting/gardening class. We only do local ones now, and only a few. We’re getting older and traveling is not so much fun. But we do love helping folks get the hang of planting seeds, gardening, and putting up food.

Will is starting to caulk up some cracks in the joints between the greenhouse windows and walls in preparation for cleaning it out and getting ready to fire up the wall heater on April 1st. I’ll be transplanting our peppers then and will need the extra room. For now, I’m planting flats of tomatoes. Lots of them! I can’t wait until we get out in the gardens to start cleaning them up prior to planting. Come on spring! — Jackie
We are having very warm weather here. Yesterday was 77 and today is supposed to be close to that. Normal is 50’s and low 60’s which is forecast for next week. We have had robins for about 3 weeks now and the buzzards are back, which is a little unusual, I consider the buzzards a true barometer of spring, but I wonder if they lost their calendar, lol. We could still have bad weather and in fact, the worst snow storms I have seen have come in April. I’m hoping we are in true spring, but time will tell. Trees are trying to leaf out and spring flowers are up. I love hearing the birds singing and seeing things come to life. Sending prayers for a blessed week.
Thanks so much! Yep, we also get some rip banger snows in April. I think the vultures follow the warmth. With their naked head and neck, I’ll bet they get really cold when it snows! Today we are finishing up with freezing rain, which happened yesterday afternoon and evening. It coated our car and I can’t even get the doors open! Oh well, it’ll warm up later and melt it. (If I had to get out, I could always pour hot water on the door.)
Here in Copper Basin Alaska we had several hundred red polls on the feeder the last few days, a sign of spring her. I have ten hens and have had as many as eight eggs some days with them being three or four
Wow, redpolls! I haven’t had any yet. Maybe they skipped us and flew to you. We are getting a few Canadian Geese flying around. We call them the scouts as the big flocks don’t show up until the scouts let them know ice is going out. Right now, our ponds are frozen.
Yesterday, we were in the 70’s, today 30’s. Weather is calling for rain & snow.
Wow, isn’t the weather crazy lately?
Dear Jackie,
I am praying for a good summer of plenty. I know you are too; but we make do with what we receive, and we have never starved! I am pretty bad off for an old girl; but I can some vegetables that I buy from local Amish. I love my flower boxes and dream of the days of my gardening. I watch the birds now and record them in my book. I love the crazy names. The yellow belled sap sucker (woodpecker) has a pale white belly. I have a red bellied woodpecker that has a red head and zebra stripe wings but can’t see the red belly anywhere. Maybe he is a distant cousin. Their antics keep me occupied each morning and I have tons of cardinals, sparrows, doves, wrens and even some orioles in the summer. There are always things to enjoy in nature and give praise to God who made them all. I love your pictures of sunsets. All I can say is “keep on gardening” as long as you can.
I wonder who named all those birds? Adam?? He missed out on some of those woodpeckers, for sure. We don’t get cardinals, but we did get ONE female two years ago. I’m hoping for more. Lots of various sparrows, a few mourning doves, no wrens and lots of orioles. The orioles even made a nest in a poplar tree on the edge of our backyard.
I will garden until they plant me. : )
Appreciating nature is such a source of strength and peace, isn’t it. Best wishes for a gardening season that is a bounty in every way.
Thank you so much. We enjoy the nature around us every single day. And living in the middle of the woods sure shows us a whole lot!
Oh my goodness! That is one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. I just love the whole composition of that photo.
You have reminded me to get busy and plant my tomato seeds. I am just a minute behind!
You and Will are the hardest workers I know. Such an inspiration.
It takes me about a week to get all our tomato seeds planted so don’t think you’re behind. I love both extravagant sunrises and sunsets. And I can’t seem to take enough pictures of them. Wow!!
No robins yet but we have had meadow larks and a couple of finches. Sure seems a little early?
I don’t think so. Our pussy willows are just starting to peek out of their catkins. We don’t have meadow larks here and sure wish we did. I love hearing them sing their hearts out!!
Your enthusiasm is inspiring!!
I bet that is why the word spring is in inspiring? 🤔
I had such an off season last year that even the fruit trees were stumped and didn’t set fruit (a late frost so no pollination). So this year I am hoping for a fruitful and productive crop. I learned to appreciate a good growing season when I had a very bad one!
Your sunset picture is so pretty!
We had the same bah growing year last year as you did. Late spring frost meant hardly any fruit, even wild fruit. Tons of rain drowned out a lot, then it turned into a big drought. Honestly, it was the worst growing year we had ever had. But we were still blessed with a lot of vegetables. We still have a few squash, lots of potatoes and onions, plus a very full pantry. Not bad at all.