Praise God! It actually works. And our friend Sherri was here today along with Dara and Mike. Now I’m dumber than a box of rocks about computers. But Sherri is great. Not only did she get my new computer set up nicely, but she got the printer working again. It seemed it had a few printing jobs somehow stuck in the spool. She clicked a few times, here and there, and voila the printer would actually print! I was so relieved and happy.
I haven’t heard from my computer guy yet, who was going to try one more thing to recover my lost data. I’ll give him a day or two more then call him. I need to pay him and get my external hard drive as it may have the data on it, as it was supposed to automatically save to it when I saved something. We’ll hope and pray.

My last batch of peppers is now coming up. The first were a bunch of Italian hot peppers a customer sent us. And, boy, are they ever vigorous! I’m excited to see just what they are. Hey, have you seen all the store green beans that have been recalled? It seems like there’s always some food being recalled, doesn’t it? It sure makes me happy to know my green beans are never recalled and are always safe to eat without making anybody sick. One more reason to can!

My new computer doesn’t have a slot for my SD card from my camera, so I’ll have to give you some old photos; bear with me for a few more days. I have a device which is attached to my external hard drive that it fits in and hooks to the computer with an ISB cable. One more hoop to jump through. But I’m grateful and happy I can once again type on a real keyboard and have a new computer. Yea! — Jackie
I’m so glad you got your new computer. When my old Apple died a few years ago, the Apple folks said they didn’t do pulling data off hard drives. I was tired of Apple’s exclusiveness and attitude so got a plain old HP and found a great local guy who was able to save a lot off the old hard drive. Lesson learned; I bought an external hard drive so now I save everything on the computer plus on the external drive as I don’t trust the “cloud”. Now I get an e-mail that as of October Windows 10 won’t be supported. Oh well, I’ll keep using it anyway., Don’t need more bells and whistles!
That’s a great array of peppers you have there. I’m trying your Sonora Mild and Striped Sugar Rush this year, intending to combine the two for some hot sauce. Also doing your Ozark Sweet Snack again. Loved that last year!
I’m so thankful you have your new computer, Jackie.
It’s wonderful Sherri was there to help you get things set up
and I hope computer guy can get info from your hard drive.
I’m glad your peppers are coming up and the Italian peppers
did so well too.
I don’t go to grocery store much but not surprising about
the green beans. It’s a plus to grow our own and can or freeze them.
I hope you and Will are having a restful night.
I’m so happy I’ve got a lot of home grown and saved bean seeds. I already have rows designated for lots of green beans this year and lots of canning them to last a few years. So exciting!
Congratulations on the new computer.
I never felt so dumb in my life until I got a smart phone.
I guess I can blame you for crashed computers! My laptop crashed. Had to go get the desk top and set it up. Oh well. Now, my printer is not handy, but I can deal with that. TX needs rain bad. And enough wind already!
I presume you meant USB cable. The print head on my printer has given up the ghost. Entertained a new printer but then play the “will it work with the other computers in the house” plus my work computer. Ordered the part and it doesn’t seem too difficult to install. But I really don’t like doing “hardware” truth be told.
The massive dead oak finally came down (was leaning in a safe directions). Been windy here so a gust must have finally moved the branch that was hooked on a neighboring tree. Plenty of free firewood just from the small stuff. Our reserve area will likely be overflowing.
Oops! I was in a hurry. Yes, USB. Don’t you love free firewood? And oak too! Overflowing firewood is sure better than not enough, for sure.
always a reief when technology works the way you think it should!A knowledgeable friend is always a blessing, too.!
Oh my yes! I don’t know what I would do without Sherri!!