Our son, Javid, passed away yesterday morning, peacefully, in his sleep. Although it was very hard for me, I know he’d been fighting a good fight for a few years now and was very tired of all the hospital visits, stays, tests, and so on. Now he’s not in a wheelchair or in pain, but is running around with Jesus, able-bodied and happy. We’re planning a small graveside service for him for family and close friends in May.

Besides all that, we’ve been blessed with lots of seed orders, which we’re trying like mad to get processed quickly. Being a small “company,” we can’t offer colored seed packets or catalogs, but we try to excel in customer service for our homesteading family.
I finally got our peppers all planted. This year, to save time, I used Jiffy peat pellets for them, placing the hot water-soaked pellets in flats, in rows which are labeled. Once planted, I put the flats in large plastic bags, closing them, not tightly, and putting them behind our living room wood stove. As our temperatures outdoors have moderated to the low 40’s above zero, and the nights also staying 30 degrees and above, they should germinate quickly. It’ll be several weeks before I start the tomatoes, as the tomatoes grow much faster than peppers do. Last year I started them a little too soon and they kind of got leggy before it was time to set them out. I want stockier, smaller plants this year. It doesn’t pay to get impatient.

Oh, I just wanted to let you know that I got my cultivators from Temu. Some folks said the PO wouldn’t deliver from China or that they would never come. I’m not a Temu fan, but those are exactly the same as the ones I paid $32 for. — Jackie
All his pain and discomfort are gone. While it was tough on my Dad, I was glad my Mother’s suffering was over.
I think your Temu order snuck in at the right time. We’re going to buy a small tiller/cultivator BUT really *want* to see it in person. Which is why I am not a fan on online shopping. Vitamins, not a big deal. But other items are big deal to me.
It’s one of the hardest things we’ll have to do, letting a loved one go. I always try to see it as what we had, not what we don’t have now. We’ll always have them in our hearts!! Gone, but not that far away!
Condolences, peace, and hugs to you and your family now that Javid has moved on ahead. Loved the picture of you all together.
So Sorry for your loss. Sending prayer for you and your family for comfort and peace.
My deepest condolences to you and your family!!!
I am so sorry to hear about your loss.
I’m so sorry about Javid. When you said he was heading into hospice I knew it would be soon. Loosing a loved one is so hard. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Big hugs!
Sending hugs and prayers for your family. We know that our true rewards are in heaven and that you will have all of eternity together. Oh, how I long to see the face of Jesus Christ, yet Javid has. God bless you.
Praying for your family in this time of it’s so hard to lose one you love so dearly, but knowing he is happy and whole with Jesus sure just make things easier in the long run.
I am planning on sending in a seed order this week- as I need to get some refreshed seed for my tomatoes and peppers. Ive not been following your blog since last spring when we finally had our baby but I’m glad I jumped on today.
Melissa in Brule
So sorry to hear of your loss.
Your son received a wonderful life and love thanks to you and your family. My deepest sympathy.
So sorry to hear about Javid. He is with the Lord now.
(((Hug))) praying for peace for your family as you grieve Javid’s graduation to a new life.
Oh, Jackie, I am sad for you all to hear of Javid’s passing. I have an adult son, 32 years old, who has special needs. I actually always pray that the Lord takes him before me as his father passed away, and my husband is disabled and could not care for Daniel himself. God loves children and the child-like, and we are blessed to have had our sons as long as we have. Gain strength in God’s promise!! Sending hugs and love to you all.
My sympathy to you and the rest of your family, and may you find comfort in good memories. May Javid rest in the eternal light of God’s beauty and Peace.
We do not mourn as those with no hope.
I am so very sad for all of you as you remember Javid and everything he brought to your lives.
Check out the song Scars in Heaven by Casting Crowns.
It has ministered to me tremendously.
Jackie & family, so sorry for the loss of Javid. I know you need time to mourn his loss but you can look forward to the day you will see him again in heaven. God bless you all.
I add my sincere condolences to the many that are being offered here. Though they offer support and comfort, words are never enough. May this community of love and prayers help fill the void and be with you through your grief.
Condolences on Javid’s passing. God promises us that he will never leave us nor forsake us. Javid is resting in that promise now, and I hope you and your family are as well.
It hurts us to see them go, but now Javid is free from pain and the constraints of an ailing body and at home with Christ. God bless.
God Blessed Jared. God be with you and family. Seed planting time, you seem to always drop THE helpfulest hints , Just at the right times! Forgot to slip loose plastic bags over- heading to do so. Take care Jackie. May memories fill you with sweet thoughts
So sorry for your loss. Javid is in heaven where he’s not hurting anymore.
In reading through the comments, it’s all been said and I am in agreement with the condolences. I know family death is not new to you. It’s still an intense time of mourning. I lost my husband a year ago in December. About this time last year I was in the throes of mourning and was in my cardiologist office as the grieving was affecting my health. As she turned to leave the room as the appointment was finished she looked at me and said, “I know you’re missing him, but he’s not missing you.” I almost gasped and thought, how dare you. She then continued to say that I should think about that.” You know what I mean. He’s well, happy and if he could talk to you he would want you to be happy and go on with living.” She was right and that was the initial turning point for me. Heaven will be worth the wait.
Sheryl, what a poignant comment from your doctor; it actually is one I shall try to absorb the truth of wholeheartedly, as well as your view of heaven being worth the wait. Thanks.
I’m sorry for your loss of Javid and you know he’s free from any struggles now but it still makes your heart hurt and you miss him. You will be together again and I know you and the family take comfort in this.
Thoughts and prayers for you at this time.
I’m glad you were able to start the peppers and the Jiffy Peat Pellets sound like a good way to go with them and putting them by the stove.
I’m thankful your getting lots of seed orders and I know it does take time to get them all filled and mailed out but your customer service is the best no doubt.
You will be getting my first seed order soon yeah
Take good care and sending hugs and prayers
Jackie & Family, So sorry for your loss. I will be thinking of you.
Dear Jackie,
I am so sorry to hear about Javid. He is at peace now, but I know you will miss him.
Your family is in my prayers.
Dear Jackie – I’m so sorry. May Javid’s memory be a blessing to you and yours. Love, Holly & Family
Our hearts go out to you at this time, we are so very sorry to hear of your loss.
Jackie and Will, so very sorry for your loss of Javid. To be absent from the body, is to be with Jesus. Javid earned his reward.
Praying for you in this sad time. I love the thought of him running around heaven with Jesus because it’s so true..
So very, very sorry for your loss. Javid was blessed with a wonderful adoptive family that loved him deeply. He was so lucky to have had that.
Requiescat in pace , Javid – may he rest in peace.
Praying for your family’s earthly peace, as well, as you mourn.
I am so sorry, prayers to you and your family. He is at peace now.
I am so sorry.
I am so sorry for your loss. Yes you are right. Javid has no pain or immobility anymore. You will see him again.
That looks like fun to plant seeds! You all take care now. Again I am sorry for your loss
So sorry for the sad news. Prayers.
We’re so sorry for your loss and will keep you in our prayers.
My sympathy to you and your family.
katherine jordahl
Our journey in this life is the warmup for the next. May you and Javid be at peace. God bless you both.
I’m praying for you Jackie. May God comfort you and His peace be upon you.
Jackie, I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband three years ago and my sister in December. But both were sick a long time and I know they were ready to go home to Jesus. It’s those of us left behind that have a hard time. But we move forward as we know they would want us to be happy.
Good to know you are staying busy with seed orders. My tomato seedlings are up from the seeds I got from you. Being in Texas it will soon be time to plant in ground and I’m looking forward to planting some of the new varieties of seeds I got from you.
Tears here for Javid, amid others in our family having a tough time. Prayers for your family and your knee improvement, as I have had a knee replacement and kinda know what you’re going through. Yes, Jesus is our ultimate goal for sure!!!
So sorry for you loss . Send prayers 🙏
Dear Jackie
I’m sorry to hear of your loss of your son Javid. My brothers 25 year old grandson died recently after a year long fight with AML. I believe the only reason we are able to weather these storms is the promise of them being well and whole and being there to welcome us pretty soon. I have 5 babies waiting for me and so praise God for being with us thru this. I’m glad spring is just around the corner. Seems like it’s been a long winter!😊
Long time follower here. So sorry for your loss. I suspect many of us will be carrying you and your family in our hearts. May his memory be a blessing and you all find peace. Be gentle with yourselves 🙏🏽
+ May God grant you consolation, rejoicing in the knowledge of Javid, whole and healthy, his face wreathed in smiles, racing toward His Lord. We lost a vibrant, 13-year old granddaughter to cancer a few years back and, I’ll just bet you, she and Javid are doing a lively square-dance around Jesus right now. And we’ll get to watch their energy one of these days! God is good.
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