We’re getting snow
Not much, but it’s our first snow of the year and it’s not sticking to anything. Yet. This is much later than our usual first snow here in Northern Minnesota. We usually begin getting accumulation that sticks around till spring in late October. We’re really grateful that it didn’t snow earlier as it let us get a lot of odd jobs finished, like taking my “fish in the garden” ceramic Koi fish in the greenhouse for the winter, getting more firewood up, and other chores.
Will has been cleaning up the 20-acre parcel a mile from the house, which he bought a couple of years ago. Why? I don’t know. Maybe another isolation garden? We call it the Alligator Garden, as the back drops off toward a small creek. Parts of it were overgrown with brush and willow bushes and he wanted to get it cleared off. He took our big, new-to-him Kubota tractor over there and started tearing out the brush by the roots with the tined manure bucket on the front loader. That went great. Until a few days ago, when he headed home. He stopped to pick up a single bottom plow he’d used to create a ditch along our driveway with the bucket. But, when he was almost home, he hit a bump, the plow jolted out of the bucket, right under the tractor. Yep, it punched a hole in the big (expensive) rear tire, filled with rim-guard fluid (for weight). He made it on home, spewing out sugar beet juice all the way (at $8 a gallon!).

The tire is now at the heavy equipment tire shop, and he ordered another tire ($1,100). Whew! I’ll be glad when our bad luck stops! He took the bulldozer over to finish up the job.

Meanwhile, I’ve been cleaning house, getting ready to host our family Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. While I was doing that, I ran across some Cowboy Candy syrup I’d accidently boiled for a long time. It got very thick and kind of caramel flavored. With the vinegar and spices in it, I think it’ll make an excellent sore-throat cure. I also winnowed out a bin of beautiful beans, Mrs. Marotti’s Black Romano, which is a dual-purpose snap/dry bean. I think they’ll make an excellent baking bean. Yum! — Jackie
Winter briefly reared its ugly head but will be back soon.
We’ll both be cleaning for T-day lol and we’ll enjoy it even it there is dust.
Question to you and readers – wood stove gloves. Any particular brand with which you’ve had good luck? And if so, from where did you purchase?
We don’t use wood stove gloves. We’re just careful and have used wood stoves all our lives.
Oh well. As we have a top loader, we use a glove. I know there is a “utensil” for lifting it so maybe we’ll have to try it. Or just keep replacing gloves when needed.
As far as Will and his 20acres is concerned, I believe a man needs a new challenge from time to time. We all do, to feel like youth isn’t completely disappeared in our past. I’m my husband’s helper, and love to see him meet challenges, often ones where I can help. I love having plenty of land where we can make our dreams come true.
I’m sure that’s true. And they sure don’t make more land, do they?? It’s an investment as well as a challenge.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Jackie!!!
And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!
It’s been a strange year here in Yorkshire. Rain pretty much every day from midwinter through to mid summer, then hot weather in bursts of a couple of days between cool, started lighting the fire in September, then didn’t need to for part of October and now snow a couple of days before friends in the US.
It seems like the crazy weather is everywhere. Just look at the flooding in Spain. We just have to roll with the punches, I guess.
Winter has started here in South Western Wisconsin. Light snow, high winds, and cold. I worked this morning in my shed winterizing small motors. Now enjoying the household heat and lunch. Deer season for us starts next weekend. Thanksgiving is a wonderful Holiday to be thankful for the blessings of family, food and freedom. Have a fun family gathering.
Deer season ends for us this weekend. This is the first deer season I can remember without snow on the ground, at least part of the season. Right now, we don’t have any snow down. We had a bit this morning, but it turned to rain and quit. More to come though. Will’s still working on the Alligator Garden, as he knows he’ll have to bring the dozer home soon.
After our family Thanksgiving dinner Sunday and my trip to the hospital in Duluth for an appointment on Monday, I have David’s deer to cut up and can. Luckily, our weather’s turned cold so the quarters will store nicely in coolers until I can get at it. He’s been working long overtime hours every day and just had a woman pull out in front of him on the highway, totaling his pickup. He’s got too much to deal with right now. I can’t help with some of his stress, but I can get that deer taken care of for him.
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