Thankfully, we haven’t had a freeze yet. So, we’re able to let a lot of crops finish that wouldn’t have made it if it had frozen. Our friends, Sherri and Dara were here on Tuesday, and they picked a whole lot of various dry beans. They said that’s about it, but for a few in the Sand Garden. Will picked all of the Bear Island Chippewa flour corn in the Central Garden. It was the poorest crop that we’ve ever had but it was in the garden that got the worst hit from the torrential rain this spring. I’m just grateful to be able to have any. None of the beans down there even grew!

This is just some of the Damaun super sweet corn I strung up to finish drying before the birds got it outside.

Yesterday I sat on the front porch and tied up all of the Damaun super sweet corn and the Simonet sweet corn. We were thrilled to have such nice big cobs, especially with no rain and a huge weed problem in all the gardens. It took all day, but I got them all done. Now I’m waiting for the Who Gets Kissed sweet corn and the popcorns to finish up. I think I can even “steal” some of the second cobs on the Who Gets Kissed to can up. I only got 12 half-pints, and 6 pints of sweet corn canned up so far and would sure like to do a bunch more. We love our canned sweet corn in so many recipes!

We were really impressed with Brita’s Footlong pole beans. Holy cow, who wouldn’t be?
I love “discovering” new beans like these Rouge de Paris. Aren’t they gorgeous?

We trialed several new-to-us beans this year. Some came from William Woys Weaver and others from an Amish woman. Most were very nice, and we’ll be adding them to our roster after I get enough to sell. Two special ones were Brita’s Footlong and Rouge de Paris. Brita’s Footlong pole beans can be used as a snap bean then also as a dry bean. Yes, the pods are nearly a foot long! Rouge de Paris is a nice fat bush bean that produces super well, even without a drop of watering and nearly no rain! It’s so much fun to “discover” new crops that are wonderful, no matter how long you’ve been gardening.

These are just a few of the tomatoes I picked just to can up. They’re calling me now!

— Jackie


  1. Hi Jackie- beautiful produce and I’m in awe of the work you and Will and your wonderful helpers do! Today was definitely a fall day here. Pouring rain and chilly. It’s been very warm til now but it looks like the summer weather is over. My small garden is ready for winter almost. I have a young friend who helps me luckily because I’m on my own as a senior with health issues so I’m so grateful for the support. I’m happy the season is over but I know if God’s willing and the creek don’t rise that I’ll be at it again next spring! I love it and am SO grateful for the bounty both fresh and preserved. I hope I can continue for as long as am able!


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