I’ll swear we were having so much rain I felt like my toes were growing webs! Yuck. And rain makes tons of mosquitoes appear too. But lately, we have had a little rain, but not torrents and hot, dry weather in between. Some of our crops had suffered from too much rain and/or not fertile enough soil in the new part of the Wolf Garden. Will thought about it and made a bulk liquid manure bin. He had an old heavy rock box that fits on the three point of the tractor. Into that, he set an old plastic tote that, years ago, I found on the roadside, with the top broken. We’d used it for a watering bin for our pigs several years ago and then it just sat in the grass after the pigs had been sold. The top had been cut off, removing the cracked parts earlier. He set the plastic tote bin inside the rock box and ran a ratchet strap around it to hold it in place. Then he put a bucket load of very rotted manure with no hay in it, in the bin and filled it with water. Using a five-gallon plastic bucket, he dipped the manure tea out of the bin and watered rows of onions and beans with it. Very slick! The goop in the bottom, he dipped out and side-dressed some corn and beans.

This is the manure tea bin Will put together. Pretty cool!
Will spread manure tea along the rows of onions, corn, and beans that needed fertilizer.

Today, our friends Sherri and Dara came by to help weed. That’s so appreciated! Everything looks good out there but the sweet corn, which was planted in clumpy clay soil. It is germinating irregularly because some can’t get through the clumps. Oh well, every year is challenging in one way or another. Will tells me he again saw potato bugs on the potatoes. Eeek! That’s after dusting them two times already. I guess I know what I’ll be doing this afternoon.

With our friends’ help, our garden is getting weeded and mulched.

Granddaughter, Ava, went to her second horse show this past Sunday. Her instructor is a Tennessee Walking Horse breeder, and the show was a Walking Horse show. Ava entered three classes and won two blues and a red (two first places and a second place). She looks so good on a horse, especially when she smiles. We’re real proud of her!

Granddaughter, Ava, winning another first at her second horse show. We’re very proud of her!

— Jackie


  1. first thought of photo-‘poor Will. the irrigation system down” then aaa the old manure tea trick. smart. i used my tea on several slow stunted vegetables. now the heat wave, i think need to hold off to avoid burn. Congratulations to your granddaughter and her mount! yea!! what thoughtful lovely friends to set down and inch their way through the weeds. i finally cranked up the troybuilt and went through 2/3 of the weeds. squash, potato an cucumber vines hinder so will be on my settin down the rows to weed them.
    lovly bit of dry weather you are finally receiving

  2. We think she does too. Hey, we’ve canned up a lot of sweet corn damaged by ear worms. I just cut that part off and can the rest. Maybe you can make a deal with that grower for cheap corn?
    It’s been dry for three days here so we’ve been hitting the decks, trying to play catchup.

  3. I really like the manure tea bin. What a good idea!!

    Ava did a really fine job and congratulations to her!

    • That manure tea bin was a total surprise to me. Will’s always thinking.
      I really enjoy seeing Ava improving daily with her horsemanship and those blue ribbons always bring big smiles!!

  4. Congratulations Ava! She and her horse look like a great team!
    That Will is such a great fixer!
    Thank goodness for the help of friends.

    • That’s for sure! We really value our friends, not only for their help but their encouragement and smiles.
      I’m continually surprised at all the things Will can figure out!

    • We’re so happy she turned out to be a real horse person!! She brings out the best in the horses she rides.

  5. Congratulations To your granddaughter
    What a wonderful experience. 2of our daughter s wee involved with horses and events. Good memories 🤗
    Gardening is always a challenge, but nothing like fresh food straight from the garden 😊😋

    • We think she did a great job! Way back when, most of our kids were involved in horses, horse shows and just having fun with them.
      Yep, it seems like there’s always a challenge every year but those of us who don’t throw up our hands and quit are amply rewarded!!

  6. I would think that if you put a hose bib or something like that on your plastic bin you could just open it as much as you need and drive along the rows. A lot less work!

    • No, that won’t work as there is always a mass of more or less solid stuff at the bottom and there isn’t enough room between the rows for a tractor. Good idea though.

  7. Your husband is a very talented and creative man. You two make such a good team.

    Wish I had some of your rain. Spring rains were good but it turned dry and hot in Oklahoma where I live.

    Your granddaughter has a good future in showing her horse. Congratulations to you all.

    Neighbors can be so faithful. Take care.

    • Thanks Sheryl. I wish you could have some of our rain too. Remember, two years ago, we had a bad drought all summer. Then last winter, no snow to speak of. Strange years!!

  8. Same here for rain-too much. I had to replant beans twice as the seed rotted in the ground. It’s also the year of “the rabbit”-they have been another problem. The weeds also flourish with this weather. I can weed only a few days due to the frequent intermittent showers. Another “learning year”.

    • It seems like they all are!! Yep, we’ve got weeds too. And we’re now on our third planting of some of our sweet corn. By hand, this time, in clumpy, clay soil. Don’t know how it’ll turn out but if we don’t plant I know we won’t get any corn!!
      Our dog, Hondo, keeps our rabbits in check. All you have to say is “hop hop bunny bun” and he goes crazy looking for one. And he catches them too.

  9. We had storms last night – thankfully no downed trees, power outage, or hail here. But then IT RAINED AGAIN this afternoon. These “pop-up” showers are just nuts.
    While the skeeters are out at my place too, I’ve not had much issue with them biting me. Perhaps I’m sending a “stay the hades off of me” vibe. Whatever it is, I am not complaining.
    As with every other crop, sweet corn is early here this year – got the notice a week ago. It is good but ear worms are an issue this summer (eh, what bug isn’t?). One grower I know is contemplating the first harvest becoming silage/feed.
    Ava looks good!

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