We really don’t do much to celebrate the Fourth around here. But this year, my daughter, Randie, is going to be up at son, Bill’s, this week and we had planned to go down and have a nice family visit. Unfortunately, while I was on my way home from mailing seeds, the serpentine belt on the Edge broke, leaving me with no AC, minimal brakes, and fan. Luckily, I got home without seriously overheating the car! Will called around and found the serpentine belt in Cook but the shop didn’t have a power steering belt he figured he should replace while he was in there. Replacing a modern serpentine belt isn’t like in the “olden days” where you could just lift the hood and do it fairly easily. No, now you have to jack up the car, take it apart and spend a few hours trying to get it put back in. Poor Will! And it’s pretty hot out today too. Hopefully, it will get fixed so we can go tomorrow.

Will, working like mad, trying to get the car fixed so we can go visit family tomorrow.

David had gone to Virginia (MN) and was able to get the power steering belt so he and the kids stopped briefly to deliver the belt and pick up camping stuff so they can camp down at the lake where Bill and his family camp out. Delilah was so excited to go pick chicken eggs! We went into the coop and she found a whole bunch. (I didn’t tell her I hadn’t picked eggs today yet, as I figured she’d get into the coop right away.) Sarge followed us around, giving her lots of doggy kisses.

Delilah loves gathering eggs in the chicken coop.
Sarge loves having “his” girl, Delilah, visit. Lots of doggy kisses there.

I’m starting to evaluate my stored food and supplies as I don’t like the atmosphere regarding the upcoming presidential election. Regardless of which side of the fence you’re on, I’m worrying about a lot of unrest following the election and just feel better knowing if we need to stay home, we can and be very comfortable doing so. Have a very enjoyable Fourth of July! — Jackie


  1. Fingers crossed for the car getting fixed in time and Happy Treason Day :D (I’m a Brit)

    I agree that you guys are heading into an election with no good outcomes and that there are way too many people who are likely to throw a tantrum if their special doddering of man loses. At least our election in the UK had a selection of tolerable outcomes and despite the rhetoric, our two main parties are both pretty middle of the road.

    I’ve recently developed an interest in lacto-fermentation, it’s not long term preps (although I could can it for that once fermented) but it’s proving really good for shorter term and for smoothing out glut/shortage situations.

  2. I’m also checking and topping off preps. There are too many issues political, economic and social in this country as well as worldwide so it’s only a matter of time before the SHTF regardless of the election. Too much chaos and turmoil everywhere and it’s only going to take someone sneezing at the wrong time for it all to blow up on us.

    I cling to my mantra which is Trust in the Lord. God may not prevent us from facing a SHTF situation, but he has promised to always be with us through whatever comes our way.

  3. As I was reading your article, my husband said he cannot get anything to grow this year. I told him I am ordering heirloom seeds to put up. Talking to others that are also having the same problems with their garden. Scary thought that we cannot grow our own food because seeds will not germinate and have to depend on the government for our food. Sorry to be political but times are getting scary.
    PS, I put okra and bean seeds in a large pot on front porch so I could control watering them and neither seeds came up.

  4. My grandchildren love gathering eggs too! It is so fun watching them find them and see their excitement. I sure hope you get to see your daughter. Delilah is growing so fast and is such a cutie. It seems like Will can fix anything! There are very few mechanics where I live and it takes about 2 weeks to even get an appointment to get a vehicle in for repairs. It is incredibly frustrating. It is getting the time of year when I start adding to my pantry in preparation for winter. I like to be pretty well stocked up by the end of September so hopefully I can avoid any issues surrounding the election, however it turns out. Sending prayers for a blessed week.

  5. I’m topping off my preps, plan on staying home around the elections! Keeping all the vehicles fueled and pantry full. Just waiting for the chimney sweep to come! Hope your knees are holding up!

  6. I’m on the same page re: the election. Been telling the better half we’ll need to hunker down aka stocked up. Will also make sure Dad does the same thing AND look closely at any doctor appointments during that time frame. I have no qualms rescheduling if the situation isn’t safe (have done so with weather but we always have to tell the office a good chunk of our drive is open country roads).
    The one doe I frequently see must have had twins again this year. Saw two spotted fawns on our other property tonight.

  7. Thanks for the heads-up about our preps, Jackie. Maybe an inventory is needed. I know BHM has an ad for Prepping 2.0 podcast. I just got their latest book, Food Preps 2.0, by Glen Tate and Shelby Gallagher. As Shelby says, We need to layer our food preps.

  8. My thoughts exactly about this election. No matter who wins, there will be big problems for America. I am trying to plan ahead. For a 79 year old widow, I am not sticking my head in the sand.

  9. Yes, Jackie, good to err on the side of caution.
    The wise man sees trouble and prepares, the fool keeps going and suffers. Pro. 22:3
    The only thing harder than failing to prepare, is explaining why you didn’t.—Glen Tate, Prepping 2.0 podcast
    Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.—Ben Franklin

  10. Election years are always “interesting “😬
    I like to try and maintain the status quo with a normal routine and staying ahead of the curve seems to be a good practice. It seems like I always run out of favorites and have too much of not-so-favorite home canned goodies. That is something to work on this season. Happy 4th!

  11. What do y’all do for water storage?
    We live near a lake, so I guess if worse came to worse we could filter it. But I would love to get your solutions!

    • I hear that Berkey water filters are very good, but Pro One is just as good at half the price. We get no rain in summer-time, far north California. I’ve been praying my better half will get with prepping. We have wild game on this mountain, Lake Shasta nearby for water. My canning preps are over flowing our basement storage. At least we’re off-grid.

  12. Great to celebrate our independence. I likewise am stocking up. I worry about our country’s future. All you can do is take care of yourself and neighbors. Staying home and safe is OK with us.

  13. That is really a good idea to look our supplies over. I think I will get started on that. Yes there is much unrest. There will be “something” no matter who wins.

    I think your granddaughter is the cutest!!! When the grand-kids were little they loved collecting eggs too!

  14. Off subject but on the subject of stocking up I baked a sourdough loaf with eikorn for the first time and was it ever good. Great taste and scent of the wheat was wonderful as I ran it through the mill. I’m just starting the learning curve with this wheat though.
    Your egg collector is a beauty!

    • Hello Sue,
      I’m trying to interest the local flour mill to carry einkorn, but can at least purchase Jovial at local nutrition store. I want to start making sourdough with it, since it is an ancient wheat, never changed, very nutritious.

      • Our local Amish owned store carries some unusual varieties but I ordered the einkorn from Grand Teton Ancient Grains thinking they might have a faster turnover and fresher product than the store.
        It’s fun to experiment.

  15. An interesting observance about the recent debate on tv; at one point both the candidates implied that if the other guy is elected, our country is headed for World War III. Hmmm. According to their words, and since it appears we do not have a third candidate who would win the election, we’re headed for war.
    So yes, Jackie, I agree. We all should feel uncomfortable and take heed to the ample warnings we are receiving. The political storm and the weather have both really ramped up.
    I still love this country–it’s the Best! So have a safe and fun Independence Day, everyone.

    • So right about the ramped up weather and politics. Things have become very heated in both. A reflection of heavenly activity.


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