We were quite surprised to see some beautiful white crocus blooming at the base of our lilac bush, on the edge of the front yard. I’m not sure where they came from, as I didn’t plant them! One of those little mysteries of life, I guess. Maybe a squirrel decided they should go there? As we’ve been having some nice, warm weather, the grass is actually getting green, and more flowers are popping up.

Yesterday, our friends, Mike, Dara, and Sheri came over to help out. Mike helped Will finish up on the manure spreader while Dara cleaned the greenhouse and Sheri mulched the front flower bed. I was so grateful for all the help! My knee is slowly getting better but there are just some things it rebels at doing. Like standing too long, bending way down and walking a lot. Instead of doing those things, I continued transplanting peppers. Finally, I finished up with them. Now, all the transplants are in the greenhouse except for the fancy petunias. I want to keep a close eye on them as they dry out so quickly and often need pinching back so they get really bushy instead of leggy.

Will got the manure spreader all fixed up. It looks so nice with the new pressure treated floor and rebuilt bars. He was going crazy, looking for the end of the power takeoff shaft. He and Mike walked all over the place, looking for it. Finally, Will found it down in the barn, sitting in an old metal child’s wagon he saved from the dump years ago. Then he remembered taking it off while it was parked down there after breaking down — again. Now it’s all ready to haul manure! Hooray! — Jackie
wow the transplants have really takin off!
I LOVE your greenhouse.
Here where I am (N. Central TX)…… Fruit trees bloomed 6-8 weeks ago, clover is in full bloom (I love watching our bees working the clover). Mesquites are starting to bloom. Bluebonnet blooms are fading (or faded) and other wild flowers are blooming. First cutting of hay is being cut………. And we are praying for rain.
And we hit the upper mid 90’s today! (I could do without that today.)
What a difference of climates we all have in this wonderful nation.
Wow! That’s so interesting, seeing what’s going on all over the country. We’re lucky to hit the fifties, today.
I’ve transplanted most of the tomatoes- my peppers are slow growing and none have more than the two leaves. Should I wait for them to grow more before I transplant them? And all my tomatoes are all purplish in color? Is that because the temp got low in the green house a few night when the heater was on the fritz? I’m hopeful that nothing is gonna go wrong with them!
I need to start all my brassicas and the squash I like. But my green house is feeling a bit cramped. I have been cleaning it out today, and need to build more shelves for plants. My onions died back after trimming them- so I am hoping the ones that are still going strengthen up and make it.
I’m so thankful for your guidance Jackie!
Yes, Melissa, the tomatoes can turn darker and almost purple when subjected to too much cold. Same as with marigolds. You’re lucky they didn’t die off!!!
I’d go ahead and transplant the peppers. Mine were slow this year too because of a lack of sun. The purplish color is often a sign they need some fertilizer. Try a shot of MiracleGro and see if that doesn’t green them back up.
Wow, I have never had onions or leeks die after trimming them back. I often do it twice or even three times before planting them out.
I’m planting some of our squash, pumpkins and melons. Although I also direct seed them outside, we need to be sure of having lots of very mature seeds for our seed business. That’s the reason for planting indoors. If it were just for food, I’d direct seed all of them.
I’ll do that. I used pro mix like usual but they all got discolored. The peppers look good. I’ve got some miracle grow on hand I’ll dose them with today. And I’ll get the peppers transplanted too. And I was surprised to say the least. They were a month old when I trimmed and I didn’t go less than 2 inches tall. The ones that survived look great so I’m not sure. It’s all a learning curve for sure!
I am starting some of the things like luffa squash now because they take 100+ days. And I direct sowed all my cucumbers last year but had not so great results with them. I might start some now and some in the garden. My green house is gotten pretty tiny with all the onion flats and tomatoes. I might need another one
I transplanted my tomatoes to seven gal pots yesterday, some were up to fifteen inches tall so I buried them as deep as possible. I’ve been riding around our subdivision loop every couple days hoping to find some pasque flowers blooming in the usual places I see them, no luck and it’s a month after Easter! I heard there were some on the River bluff which blows clear sooner.
I hope you find some soon! I remember hunting for them when we lived in Montana’s mountains. I sure miss them.
I’d love to find some crocuses(sp).
You just never know. Keep looking!
I too have some “I didn’t plant them” crocus. A lot of flowers (read: planted by someone) came up after we cleaned out invasive plants etc.
My potatoes are coming up – should be long before all do so.
A good asparagus season so far. Nothing beats a short trip between harvest and consumption. And I’m glad we are able to have that luxury. Crossing fingers for finding morels but I will keep you posted.
All of us have “put something where we’ll remember” only to not remember. Thankfully not a small item – those can be overlooked so easy (like right in front of your face easy).
*should not be long I meant to say.
Yeah, like hunting for your glasses, only to find them. On your head!! Our rhubarb is just starting to poke up but no asparagus. I drool, waiting for that!!
So far we are having a bumper crop of asparagus – woo hoo! I do need to remove some grass I see coming up and make a walk thru of the strawberry bed. Weeds are so pesky and it seems once we eradicate a majority weed, a new “majority” appears. Now it is violets – plenty of other places for them to grow on my property – just not in perennial beds!
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