It’s official; this morning at 5 AM, Duluth, Minnesota, about 90 miles south of us, broke the all time snowfall record. Now, that’s impressive, to say the least! We were secretly hoping we would. After all, we were only .4 away from the record. And, today, it’s snowing like crazy. (We’re forecast to get up to 18 inches of new snow.) Holy cow! Will got the cows moved back into the training ring as per bad storm preparedness, so they could shelter in the barn, also hauling in two extra big round bales of hay for them. Yesterday, I picked up my computer from the repair shop. Thank God they could not only save my data but also the computer, by installing a new hard drive. Whew! I’m so glad!

Today, I’m busy canning up 10 pounds of burger and getting ready to transplant my very leggy, tall tomato seedlings. The transplanting probably won’t happen until tomorrow. Even though my knee is healing well, I still can’t do what I did before the surgery. Soon, though! Every day I see improvement. I think I’ll do another batch of ground beef soon, so we have more freezer space. All three freezers are jam packed with frozen beef. Gee, not a bad thing, huh?

— Jackie
Isn’t it amazing how the weather varies over this vast country. We have had very little snow this winter here in north Missouri where I live. We are behind on rain also, but in central and southern Missouri they have been flooded. I had to cover my plants last night due to a freeze warning and last week it was 80 degrees. It sure keeps life interesting. I’m so glad your knee is improving. You will be out planting before you know it. Prayers for a great week!
Thank you Marilyn. It sure is amazing at the differences in the weather, even in relatively short distances. Our snow is starting to melt. Again. I’ll be so glad to see dirt and flowers coming up again.
I vaguely remember that snow breaks down nutrients in the soil that enrich it as nothing else can. Is it nitrates, phosphors? Does anyone remember? I have slept a lot of nights since 8th grade science class.?! Glad you broke your record. It’s raining here.
Yep, me too. Anyone else have a clue??? We’re due for some rain so that will help melt the snow. Yea!!!
Watching your knee progress and anticipating my own surgery on Monday. But, lower back for me. Can’t wait for relief of sciatic pain. But, not looking forward to recovery period. 6 weeks in brace with no bending, then PT.
Garden is almost done for the summer. Too hot here for much to grow. Finally expecting rain the next few days, so might through some blackeyed pea and Seminole pumpkin seeds out on the ground and see what happens. They will survive a LOT of neglect. Which they will get, as I don’t have a Will in my life.
Been there/done that! After my late husband died, our gardens took a hit as I was battling cancer at the time. Hey, you do what you can and don’t feel bad at all. I’m hoping your surgery goes well and you heal quickly. My knee gets better every day. Even when I over-do it.
Your daffodils should be fine. I had tulips and daffodils up when we got snow (before they bloomed). Spring perennials are hearty, that I can say. The May Apples took a defensive posture when the snow and around/below freezing temps hit.
Of course the weeds soldiered on just fine. That’s okay – ground is nice and moist so they’ll be easy to remove.
I’m not worried about the daffodils, as I had Will pile snow on the flower beds all winter while he plowed. That made them late in coming up. So, instead of flowers, which usually mash down after our late spring wet, heavy snow, just the short leaves are up. They will be fine. Haven’t seen weeds yet as the gardens have been covered in snow. Ugh!
Amen on the freezers being packed! We had to process a cow last week that we knew was gonna go- but we’re waiting for her calf. Well, she must have lost it in December so we put her down. Poor girl. But the beef is good. We’ve had rain all day today- and now freezing rain. I don’t mind. I’m glad we finally broke the all time snow record! The fields need this water so I won’t complain too much. My tomatoes are starting to get leggy too- but I’m doing the best I can to keep them rotated in the best sun and turn so they don’t lean so hard.
Yep, our tomatoes are leggy. But I transplant them into deep cups and bury much of the stem. They’ll grow roots on that stem and they’ll do fine. I’m getting kind of tired of transplanting, however!!! lol
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