Here in northern Minnesota, we had just gotten over a week of sub-zero high temperatures and high wind. So just having a bit warmer day seemed like a true gift. As our family get-together won’t happen until this weekend, due to other kids’ in-law family commitments, we had a very quiet Christmas. We invited our friend, Tom, over for a relatively low-key dinner. I roasted a nice beef roast and small smoked turkey breast. We also had fresh rolls, candied carrots, and garlic mashed potatoes, plus Will’s favorite cheesecake. I tweaked the cheesecake by adding a pint of fresh blackberries to the filling, not just putting them on top. That turned out very tasty. I’ll do that again this weekend!

Evening was very nice. It was just a quiet night, with just Will and I, plus the dogs and cats of course. We had decided to not give each other presents on Christmas, but wait until the family gets together later on this week. So, we enjoyed the fire, the Christmas tree lights, and the peace of the evening. I hope you all are just as comfortable and content. I couldn’t wish for more. — Jackie
Thank you for all your email updates, I so look forward to them. We wish you both a very Happy New Year!! Iām working on my seed order and will be sending it to you guys very soon.?
Oh Jackie! That tree and wood floor look absolutely beautiful!
It just warms my heart to see Hondo and Sarge snug on the couch! Just missing the kitty…
I’m so glad you and Will had a wonderfully comfortable Christmas.
That sounds like an incredibly delicious meal you fixed!
Here in Michigan our snow from the blizzard with 0 degree temperatures and wind is finally done and we had a sunny day yesterday and the snow is mostly melted – just in time for the New Year storm predicted. We had a good Christmas at the neighbor’s across the street. Brunch at noon and dinner at 6:30 pm. We stayed all day and came home at around 9:00 pm. I can’t say it was quiet because they have 5 older kids but it was very nice day. Many dishes were done – no dishwasher except for people. We have grown very fond of this family over the years. It was hard for me as this is the 2nd year without my husband – who is in heaven. I’m grateful that we didn’t have to go somewhere, due to the weather. Hope you all have a very good New Year.
We did our hunkering too and truly enjoyed our quiet Christmas Day. Have a very Happy New Year, Selena!
Your photos show contentment and peace of mind. Have a Happy Christmas and New Year. I still would like to come and see you.
Happy New Year Bette. We’d love a visit anytime you can come.
Family from Indiana and Kansas traveled on Wednesday to get here before the worst hit. Boy that was something wasn’t it. Here in Ely the wind and cold kept us all inside for the most part. But now today 10 degrees felt downright balmy with reports of 38 tomorrow! Uff dah. I admire all of the work that you and Will have done to set up your life. It is simple but not always easy. You have take the time to learn the skills and to master the challenges as they come such as broken this and that. If you own it, its only a matter of time before it breaks down. Anywhoooo thanks for sharing your life with us. We appreciate it.
We’re so happy with the warmer temperatures!! You have a wonderful New Year.
A white Christmas is always perfect and peaceful as soft falling snow. We had a fire in the fireplace and spiked eggnog. Homemade tamales are a tradition for Christmas Eve with family stopping by to enjoy. We are kitty sitting for our son while he seeks warmer climate at the coast. It is fun to have a pet to play with!
I love a white Christmas but would have liked a little less “white”. I also love homemade tamales for Christmas. I often make a huge batch and can up the “left-overs” so I won’t eat them all. Have a very Happy New Year!
Had the flu that has been going around for a I stayed home no sense in making other people sick as well…just thankful I was not hosting the family this year…wishing you and Will a happy New year..
Ish! I’m so sorry you got the flu. It’s really making the rounds now. Get well soon and have a Happy New Year!
Dear Jackie, We had a quiet Christmas Eve. It was bitter cold but the inside was very toasty. We started a tradition years ago, of going to each of the kids houses on Christmas morning instead of them dragging the kids out and away from their toys. Now that the Grandchildren are almost grown, we still go to the kids houses and then we all get together and eat after opening presents. LOL Hubby and I bought a new metal 4 tier shelf for the garage as our gift to one another. We needed more room in our kitchen. I removed all the gadgets, food processor, canning pots, pressure cookers, bread maker, etc. that we have been given over the years. I still have access to them if needed; but my kitchen is so happy! Happy New Year!
Now that’s a bunch of good ideas!! Have a very Happy New Year!
We had a quiet one also with me and my husband and of course the dogs and cat. My husband said this is the first time it is just me and you on Christmas. We celebrated it with the kids and grandbabies the day after. I don’t blame the kids for wanting to just stay home this year. It was cold and with Church also it would have been a long day for the little ones. They want to start creating their own memories. Plus we all remember what it was like packing up kids on Christmas especially when they dont want to leave cuz they want to play woth their new stuff.
That’s why we celebrate Christmas with the family the weekend after Christmas. It seems to work out best for everyone.
Yes many have had a hard Christmas with few humans cause of subzero temps and high winds that never seemed to end going day and night for 5days straight in SD! With my husband and I and the poultry, waterfowl, goats and cattle it was very tough worrying about extreme cold and trying to keep warm to care for them. Still digging out last night and appreciating the warm temperatures.
Boy, we do too! We’ve got pretty much dug out but still have a little extra cleanup to get done. The stock came through in good shape. I’m sure they appreciate warmer temperatures and less wind.
Beautiful Photo Jackie–Peace caught on the Digital Page:) So thankful the 3 of you were able to share a special time together:):):)
It was quite and we were very happy to just be there, doing what we do.
We had a small get together. Weather delayed one kid/spouse but they safely got here in time for Xmas Eve dinner. Rest of the family lives local and could travel on maintained (plowed) roads. No one went hungry (hardly any leftovers but that’s okay). Opened presents around the wood stove (ensuring no paper got too close to the stove).
Down to dealing with guest room linens to get the house back in order (so to speak).
Nothing wrong with a quiet holiday, we took it easy on Xmas Day. Cold weather and high winds made it easy to hunker down at home.
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