I’m sure all of you are wondering what the heck was going on with me. After all, I missed a few blogs. Well, my “health issue” was a bleeding ulcer. No, I’m not stressed, anxious, or worried. I don’t or have never smoked, drank, or used drugs. And I eat pretty healthy. But still … I woke up, having black diarrhea. I’d had a big salad the night before and figured something didn’t agree with me. Until it didn’t stop. So in the afternoon Will drove me to our local emergency room. The doctor there examined me and called for an ambulance after seeing my hemoglobin was low. So after sending Will, who had to remain in the parking lot due to COVID-19 precautions, home, I took a ride to Duluth. The next day I had an endoscope put into my stomach and the doctor found the ulcer, cauterized the bleeder and put a couple of clips in. By then I was feeling pretty tired. After all, who can sleep in the hospital? After the diagnosis, I was worried as after having an aggressive cancer 15 years ago, I was wondering if was stomach cancer … Luckily, not!

Our car was in the shop so David drove down to pick me up after work the next day. As Duluth hospitals are seeing some COVID patients, I felt contagious even though I used a whole lot of hand sanitizer, soap, and water. I’m being very careful to mask up when I go out (infrequently!). But let me say right now, I’m very happy to be fixed up and back to normal life. The doctor is having a culture done as he said it was likely my ulcer may have been caused by H. pylori, a bacteria that causes ulcers. Wow, who’da thought?
Well, back to real life, although a little slower. Will held down the fort very well, managing to keep up with our unprecedented amount of seed orders. But we had to hustle to keep up and get the three big bags of them shipped off this morning. Now we’re all caught up.
While I was in the hospital, Will pulled all of the variety stakes in the main garden and when I got home, David went out in the dark and pulled all the tomato cages and 6-foot steel T-posts along with the bean posts and trellises. Holy cow guys! That night, there was a full moon with a cool name — Super Pink Moon. It was huge and so bright.

It seems like the tomato and pepper plants have had growth hormones as they’re going nuts! Already I have Bill Bean tomatoes eight inches tall. I’ve got to start transplanting them tomorrow into big pots; the normal Styrofoam cups are too small. And the daffodils and tulips are up like crazy. I’m so excited! Our snow is nearly all gone and the frost retreating as well. Spring is here.

— Jackie
Glad to see that big smile on your face. Welcome back home, and please TRY to take it slow and easy for a little while.
Jackie – so glad you are doing better! I received my seed order and a couple of the books. Your picture on this blog reminds me so much of the picture of your mom in Homesteading Simplified…what beautiful ladies!!
I’d like to take this time to say a huge THANK YOU for all of your love and support. I tried to respond to all the comments but ran out of Jackie. I love you all!!!
I am trying to take it easier. Hey, I even took a nap yesterday. That’s gotta be a first….. But it did feel good.
So glad that you are doing well. We missed you as you, Will, and David have all become family to your followers. Happy growing season to you and try not to wear yourself out. Take time to recover and smell the roses when they bloom.
Thanks so much Kathy. I am taking it kind of easy but it’s hard at this time of the year!
So glad you were proactive about this. And very glad all seems well. Life is an adventure. Sometimes a good one and sometimes not , but still an adventure.?
And you never know what’s around the corner; a good reason to live one day at a time and enjoy each one.
My goodness, I am thankful you are doing well now. What a scare. Don’t over do things though!
I really am trying, Debra. It scared me, too!
So happy for you. Feeling better makes the whole process of getting better much sooner. Take care so we don’t have to miss you again. You give us good instructions on what we need to do.
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