We got to enjoy a nice family day with my sister, Sue, sons David and his girlfriend Ashley, and Bill and his family. We all ate a good homestead dinner with plenty of ham, garlic mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and, of course, an apple pie and Will’s cheesecake. We were stuffed!

Easter Bunny Ashley had hidden plenty of Easter eggs in our plum orchard and back yard for the grand kids, Mason and Ava. We had a rousing time as they ran around collecting eggs. Then we broke into the bubbles and had a great time blowing bubbles. Finally they’ve made a good bubble recipe that actually makes bubbles like the old time ones did. Ashley’s dog, Cooper, loves to chase and pop bubbles so we all made plenty for him. Such an enthusiastic dog!

Then we all went to David’s cabin to view the progress Will and he had made on Friday and Saturday. They got all the collar ties glued, screwed, and nailed and are ready to start enclosing the gable ends this week. Yes, it’s “over-built” but they wanted it that way as that’s the way the rest of the cabin is built. It would take a lot of wind to blow it down!
After visiting the cabin, we all went to Cook and visited Javid. His pressure sore is healed but very delicate and he decided he’d skip Easter dinner with us, just to be safe. He’s had so much trouble with it, he’s a bit gun-shy about it and I can sure understand that. Besides, he has a rock concert he wants to attend in the Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul to you who aren’t familiar with Minnesota language…) I also brought him a plate of Easter dinner so he didn’t miss the food, anyway.

Today we’re back at “normal” homestead chores and work, remembering how nice it was to be with at least part of our family. Tomorrow we are closing on our purchase of the Big Pines 40 acres next to the Wolf 40 David’s cabin is built on. And now we know those beautiful pines will not be cut down. — Jackie
What a wonderful family picture Jackie!!! Truly enjoy all that you write. How are your plants doing?
I love the size of those Easter baskets!!! happy spring!!
I love the photo too. Our plants are doing very well this year and I can hardly wait to get into the planting mode!
Yikes!!! You got the land. Congrats. Blessings.
Yes, we did!!! The pines seem to be happy too!
Hello Jackie, I got the mailed copies of your books, the Jess Hazzard series. Thank you for the quick response to the order and for autographing the books. These ones will not be loaned out! Linna Straub
Good to hear, Linna. (By the way, if you’re an Amazon customer, could you put reviews on Amazon for the books for me? It helps with Amazon’s advertising and will help me sell more books. THANKS!!)
Such a blessing you got to celebrate Easter with your family! What a fun group. Thanks for the updates on the cabin building. Very inspiring to me to get my projects done! Congrats on the land purchase. Just knowing your neighboring land will stay “unscathed” is always such a relief!!
Yes, it is. Like I’ve said, both Will and I have had plenty of past “bad” neighbors and those pines would be targets for someone to make a fast buck… Whew!
Hi Jackie, so glad you had a wonderful Easter. Mason and Ava are beautiful children. I know you’re so proud.
I am proud of them and get to attend Grandparents’ Day at their school on Friday. That’s always fun.
Happy you all had a nice Easter. Any chance you could share the bubble recipe? My dogs love to pop them but the new ones don’t work very well.
These were some we got at WalMart of all places! They come in long tubes with a wand which has a long slot so they make big bubbles.
Cogradulations on the Big Pine purchase. So glad you are a protector of the land. Sounds like a good Easter was had by all including the dogs. I enjoy your posts so much.
Thanks Kathy. We had to laugh. While Cooper was flying around popping bubbles, our old Lab, Spencer, was lying on the grass chewing a bone. Ho hum…..
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