Temperatures have been in the 40s yesterday and today, so that foot of new, heavy, wet snow is nearly gone. It left puddles like lakes and a river running down the hill toward the pasture. It does feel nice to have it so warm, though. Today I did chores in my T-shirt!

Outside work is pretty much on hold so Ashley (when she’s not at work) and I are busy transplanting. She ordered lots of fancy petunias and hibiscus seeds, so she’s moving those seedlings to larger cups while I’m transplanting our peppers. All look good. Everything is transplanted using Styrofoam cups with holes punched in the bottom (some have been reused six times!) and Pro-Mix.

Our tomato seedlings are coming on like gangbusters. We’ve planted so many different varieties to try new ones and to save seeds from the best. After all, that’s one of the biggest bonuses of raising heirloom and open-pollinated tomatoes — you can easily save seeds. By doing so, you save a ton of money each year and you’ll always have a source for backup seeds, should a dire emergency strike that makes buying new seeds impossible. (If you’d like more information on saving tomato seeds, check out my article “Saving Your Own Tomato Seeds” in BHM’s Twenty-sixth Year Anthology.)

The new calf, Tango, is now outside, playing with Frosty. It’s nice for them to have a buddy so close to their own age, although Frosty is getting huge.
I finished the last touchups on the painting for the cover of my new Western novel, Spring of the Vultures, and Will is working on building a shipping container for it so it doesn’t get scuffed up in the mail. Hopefully, the book will soon be ready for printing. As they say, better late than never… but I really hate being late! Forgive me, all of you who have been patiently waiting. — Jackie
Thank you for the update Jackie! Sure looking forward to the new book! Your tomato starts look fantastic. Ours are just poking through. We’ve been in the 40s here with a light dusting of snow yesterday. Where oh where is spring?
Please tell me that the snow will be gone by May 1 when I plan to visit your lovely state! Enjoy your garden prep.
I hope. I hope. We dodged the bullet last night; we were supposed to get 6″-10″ or more and only got a dusting. I’ll cross my fingers for you! Stop by.
Miss Jackie, Here in my valley March came in like a Lion, acted like a whole pride of them nearly every day and is going out with wind and cold rain. Weather channel says at least the 1st half of April is likely to be abnormally cold as well. I long for springtime with frogs trilling, nightcrawlers after a rain, green grass and warm sunshine. The annual dandelion crop will be welcome too. I love their blooms and seeing the honey bees coated with their pollen. No signs of that stuff yet.
You mentioned planting Hibiscus seeds. Is that the hardy perennials sometimes called Rose Mallow? I sowed seed of some white rose mallows. Have been admiring them for years as they line a driveway near us. They have HUGE crepe paper looking blooms from late July to frost.
I am so anticipating a visit with our good friend Jess Hazzard and his Morgan stallion the Hawk!!!! we will try to detain Jess for at least an afternoon and an evening, as we cook up some fine elk steaks and open a fresh section of the pasture. I look forward to seeing the painting on the cover of the new book. Rick
At this point, I’m not sure what we planted; Ashley bought them online from a company in China. So it’s going to be a surprise! Most all hibiscus are pretty, though. I’m not fussy!
Yep, I mailed in the cover painting to Mason Marshall Press, priority mail. So after Oliver does his magic, things should start moving quickly. Yum! Elk steaks are both Jess’s and my very favorite. In Montana, we harvested an elk every fall and I sure miss them.
I have to tell you a quick story; when David was about 3, his dad shot a big cow elk. I had to haul it out of the woods, from down a steep bank where it ran and died, with my Morgan stallion, Bragg. While getting ready to get it on the truck, David sat on it, petting it sadly. Then I said “This is where your hamburger comes from.”. He jumped up with a big smile and said “Can I have a drumstick?”.
Hubby rushed and planted some onions out in raised beds,but he might have to replant or cover, I saw 3snowflakes on days coming up in 10 day forecast! Rats!
If they are sets, they’ll be okay. But I’d cover them, just to help them out a little. If they’re plants, they may be okay, depending on how low the temperature gets. Good luck!
Had to laugh…warm at 40 degrees! Here in Florida that’s a seriously cold day. Break out gloves and hoodies. Have a blest Easter to you all.
Yep, I guess forty does sound cold in Florida! You have a wonderful Easter too.
So glad it war.mex up for you guys. Spring is in the air. The seedlings look good and healthy. Glad everything is going good for you.
Spring IS here! Even though we’re supposed to get 8″-12″ of snow tonight, with winter storm warnings posted, I saw a SKUNK and my sister, who lives 80 miles south of us had a robin in her back yard today. It’s coming. But then for us March came in like a lamb and is going out like a lion!
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