We got hammered a few days ago with a sloppy, wet snow. True, it wasn’t cold but we didn’t want to see white. Luckily, after a day’s time, it slowly warmed up and the snow went away. But as we listen to the weather radio every morning, we heard that we were going to have a nice sunny, warm two days, then it would start raining again and then turn to more snow. When the snow went away, Will went into “get the trucks fixed” mode. First off was our plow truck. The brake rotor had exploded when he came up our driveway a few weeks ago, falling out onto the dirt in pieces. After a few false starts getting the wrong parts, he got that fixed in a day’s time.
Then it was on to “Old Blue,” our Chevy pickup; its clutch quit working when Will got home from trailering our neighbor’s bull here to romance our cows. As I’m the official go-fer, I spent a lot of those nice days running for parts. But both jobs got done with no major hitches.
In the meantime, I got busy and put vole protection around our fruit trees and honeyberry bushes. We had no voles last winter but Mittens caught a nice fat one yesterday so they’re around and can do SO much damage under the snow. I wrapped tree trunks with hardware cloth and window screen then cut the bottoms out of some two-gallon nursery pots to use as protection around our smaller honeyberry bushes we just planted this year. I’ve still got one more tree to do because our Bali cherry tree grew so much that the protective wrap we used for a couple of years no longer covers the entire trunk. It’d be just my luck to have the little buggers eat all of the bark up that crack. If it stops raining I’ll get screen around that tree too.
Today Will’s busy insulating the enclosed, unheated back porch to help keep it warmer, which will also help keep the house warmer. We’re all for that. We started off bringing in firewood and then he decided that before we filled it up we’d better get that insulation in. First things first. At least working on that job is NOT out in the rain and mud.
Our rain’s going to turn to snow as the temps drop to normal and if the amount of rain we’ve been getting is any indication, we’ll have plenty of snow this winter. But that’s what the beavers said. — Jackie
What have I done? I have probably just jinxed myself. Watch us get a blizzard this year. Would be the first one since the 70s. Then you can really laugh :-)
We’re under a weather advisory for snow tomorrow night and Friday. Forecast is for around 5″. I’m planning to hibernate.
Not even drain the hoses???? I hate you. I hate you. Lol! But you get hurricanes…….
That looks like our yard this morning! Yuck, we don’t like it either but we’re Canadian eh, so we’ll deal with it. Almost ready for winter here too.
I like your flag Jackie….good for you! :-)
We are west of you….still working on the chicken house (palace – R-13 walls), R-7.5b floor with 1″ plywood and 3/8″ plastic on top). Still need to put the roof on – part of the ventilation is in. Lots of wind tomorrow (Wednesday) and lows about 20F here. Stay warm!
I’m so glad you have gotten a reprieve so you can work on the vehicles. Sounds like you have just about everything else ready for winter. Wonderful! Here in the southeast I don’t even drain the water hoses. In fact, I am trying to think what I do do to get ready for winter. Hmmm…nothing :-)
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