
We were busy erecting and planting our hoop houses, complaining how late we were getting that done this year due to my knee surgery and the goofy spring (a foot of snow on the ground three weeks ago!). But then we got a call from David. He was leaving work, rushing into town because his girlfriend, Deb, had called to say the apartment building she lived in was on fire.


We left to go to town also to see if there was anything we could do to help. The fire department was working valiantly but the fire was too hot and too far advanced before anyone saw it as it was after businesses had closed for the evening. Luckily, they could prevent its spread to the post office next door and the businesses on the other side. No one was hurt in the fire but the building and contents were a total loss.

There were several apartments so last night we stood around hugging people who were friends, standing there watching everything they owned go up in flames and smoke. Two women got out with bare feet and T shirts and shorts.

Deb was lucky. She at least had her purse. And the clothes on her back. But small towns are great. Already, a Red Cross representative was on hand and the local Thrift Store ladies rallied and opened the store for an hour so those who had burned out could come get clothes to see them through.

It was a shocking and sad experience for all. Tears and hugs flowed freely. It will be a long time for those folks to regroup and get over their losses.

Unfortunately, in the small town of Cook (population 600), there are few apartments and rentals available so I pray everyone will be able to find new homes soon. How quickly our lives can change at times! Deb had just lost her mother last week so this month has been especially hard for her. We’ll do what we can to make things easier for her and the others. Appreciate everything you have today!

On a happier note, Will and I will be leaving Thursday morning for Custer, Wisconsin, to attend and man the Backwoods Home Magazine booth at the MREA Fair. Joining us will be our carpenter friend, Tom, who has helped at the booth for the last three years. If you can make it, please look us up and come say hi. I always enjoy meeting readers; it’s the high point of each show. — Jackie


  1. All,

    Just an update on the apartment fire; Word is that all of the people who lived i the apartments have found new homes in the community and are furnishing them with donations. David’s girlfriend, Deb, has and is lacking only a few relatively inexpensive items to go on with her life. David is helping her clean and move into her new apartment when he is finished at work. She finds it is amazing at all of the little things we take for granted and use almost daily….an its GONE! Thank all of you for any help you have given! Just knowing that people out there really CARE makes a huge difference in the depression that engulfs folks after a fire.

  2. Thank God no one was hurt..He is so Good!! At a fair this week so will miss the MRE..I hate that!!

  3. Our hearts go out to Deb and the other good folks in your community Jackie. We would certainly like to help! Will call the BHM office today. So glad that no-one was hurt. Bless you all.

  4. Marlana,

    I’m sure the BHM gals would forward donations. Our local credit union and several businesses are also gathering donations. Thank you so much for thinking of others who you don’t even know. I’m sure God watches these little random acts of kindness!

  5. Anything we readers can do to help? We don’t have much but if a paypal account was set up or if BWH could forward a small donation, we’d gladly send a little something to help.

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