
After a couple of days of sawing cedar blocks and splitting them into gorgeous shakes with his homemade froe, Will and I are getting ready to put up shakes on the overhang roof in the greenhouse which is off our living room. Will really likes making shakes and I haven’t even gotten a try at the new froe! Maybe we’ll roof the new chicken coop with hand split shakes. They sure are pretty! I know I’ll be glad to have the unfinished roof in the house finally done. It’s kind of ugly with only the black ice-and-water shield on it.



By the way, I didn’t get the wood range. I followed the bidding toward the last, last night and it suddenly soared to a final price of $1,053! Wow, someone REALLY wanted “my” stove! I suppose if I could afford that much I might have been tempted. Or not. That’s a lot of money. I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.

Oh, another thought: A reader back a ways wanted some Hopi Pale Grey squash seeds. If they (or anyone else) wants some, just send a SASE padded envelope to the magazine and they’ll forward it to me and I’ll pass some seeds on to you at no cost. — Jackie


  1. Ellendra,

    We have squash everywhere in the house! Except the basement. We found they like being stored in the living area and often last until the next summer. Of course we have our favorites that are like pets; so much so that I hate to cut them open to save seeds and eat the squash!


  2. Lisa,

    Those squash are Carnival, a hybrid acorn squash that keeps longer than plain acorns and looks prettier. We like it a lot.


  3. I think those cedar shakes are going to look so neat on that roof overhang in your greenhouse. I hope you post photos when it is finished.

  4. anointedma,

    We do have a wood range but it’s pretty much a cream and chrome “plain Jane”. The stove on Do-Bid was exceptionally beautiful and sure caught our eye. But we’ll find our “forever stove” some day when the time is right. Thanks for the tips.


  5. Shingles and shakes are used for the same purpose but they aren’t the same.

    Shakes are generally much thicker than shingles. And unlike shingles which are often made from a number of different materials, the word shakes is generally applied to those made from cedar.

  6. Jackie ,if you are willing to come a bit eastward,there are many wood cookstoves on Craigs list in NY, and other parts of the NortEastern USA..I hope you finally get one..If you are interested in a stove that will burn just about anything with virtually no creosote,check out The Sedore Stove…It’s truly amazing…

  7. Making shingles ( as they are called here) is one of my favourite jobs. It looks daunting when you’ve got a few thousand to make but you soon get into the zone and the day passes quickly. I like the froe, I must admit I inherited mine but I have seen many made from leaf springs and they seem to work great.

  8. Jackie, tell Will the shakes look wonderful! I can not wait to see how they look up and on the roof. Thanks for answering my question about the chili powder, I found a mild variety that is on my list of seeds to buy this year. Staci

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