When we unloaded our second ton of pumpkins, I saved a dozen of the very nicest, from which I’ll can up and dehydrate for the pantry. I’ll also toast some of the seeds for snacks. I’ve finally finished tomatoes (whew!) and am working on the cabbage right now. After several batches of Amish coleslaw, I’m getting ready to make sauerkraut. Of course, I’ve also canned up a bunch of cabbage as well. No matter what some canning books (not mine!) say, canned cabbage is great. Not “strong” tasting at all if you discard the water in which it was canned before you eat it.
As we’ve already had back-to-back snowfalls of 4 inches each, we’re madly picking up the yard, putting away machinery for winter, and storing all of our gasoline-driven smaller equipment. Today, Will pulled our lawnmowers and tiller up into the yard and ran them out of gas. He’s putting in a bit of Sea Foam motor treatment and storing them out of the weather so they’ll be ready to go, come spring. If you leave the gas in, it is usually nasty by spring and causes all sorts of starting/running issues due to goop in the carb.
Meanwhile, I’m cleaning off the unheated back porch and David and I will stack dry firewood there to use in “emergencies” like when we’re sick and don’t feel like going outside or when we’re away all day and don’t want to haul wood in the dark. Our porch holds about 4 cords of wood and it’s a good feeling to have it stuffed full! We don’t want to have a blizzard hit and have to haul in wood. Our beaver friends call for a cold, above normal snowfall for winter so we’re trying to get ready. They haven’t been wrong yet.
I hope and pray that all of my BHM family on the East coast were ready for Sandy and have survived with minimal damage and stress.
Oh! By the way, our wedding cow, Lace, is PREGNANT!!! Tony, our inseminator, called last night with the good news. We are SO glad! We were afraid we’d have to ship her to the sales barn. Now we’ll have a calf, come spring, “God willing and the crick don’t rise!”
Mary Ann,
I’m so glad you had a nice garden this year. And I know how you must miss your animals. I hope that soon you’ll be able to have just a few so you can enjoy them again. A half dozen hens and a single goat don’t take much time yet can give so much in return!
Thanks for answering me ,Jackie…I had a beautiful garden this year,I just miss my animals..Blessings to you ,will and your sons…MA
The beavers moved from our smaller pond into the big pond because the drought lowered the water level and they “know” the winter will be so cold that the ice will get very thick, limiting their swimming room. They are stockpiling lots of branches for winter because they “know” the snow will be deep and the ice thick, limiting their eats. The new house has very thick walls and has a deep entrance.
Stay tuned to see if they’re right!
That’s what I always tell Will. (Not really.) That’s his “blog smile”. Check out Spencers in a more current blog!
Mary Ann,
Yes, I know of several single, middle aged…and older women who homestead without help. It definitely can be done. But it doesn’t go as fast or as easy as it does with help, of course. You need to learn to have a lot of patience and realize you can’t do everything at once. Start small, maybe half a dozen chickens and a small garden. Then it’ll be fun again and you’ll find you can gradually find ways to make it all work…a little at a time.
I am SO GLAD the wedding cow was pregnant!!!!! :)
So glad about your cow! We’re in south central WV and are still out of power. This is our 6th day. So many are worse off. I’ve been improvising and making Irish soda bread in the wood stove after the coals die down. Also baking biscuits. I’d love a wood cook stove. Maybe someday. A foot of snow in October is very unusual here but the kids had a blast for the time it lasted. We’re still getting our wood cut as we’ve just moved to our new place in September. So much to do.
Hi Jackie,I was praying that Lace would become pregnant.It is always so hard to say goodbye to a faithful friend,even if they are animals…I also envy you..I’ve tried so hard to make my little homestead work,but being a single,middle aged woman doesn’t help..Because I also have to hold a full time school nurse position ,to try to pay the bills,I finally gave away my chickens,and beautiful,Lamancha goats,because I felt like I was neglecting them….Is there any single women ,that you personally know ,that have done this without the help of a husband,older son or hired help?
When you said the beaver are calling for a cold and about average snowfall, how can you tell? What are the signs that you read?
We too in the Cascade Mountains have received snow already. About 6 inches total so far. It is all melted, but we are expecting more before long.
Take care and keep warm!!!
Congratulations! Please take a picture of the new momma! Stay warm!
Woohoo! Awesome news about your cow!!
Tell Will if he would quit standing around posing for pictures he could get something done on the homestead :-)
We never feel prepared, come late fall! There’s always so much to do and winter’s roaring down us like a freight train. But you’re right. We DO enjoy the whole process and it’s really satisfying to get things done.
Jackie, I am so jealous, you are so prepared, I know you are working hard,but it appears you enjoy it also. Way to go.
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