Canning soup with meat
Is it possible to can vegetable soup with ground beef or beef stew meat added? Also can beef stew be canned?
Amanda Fondren
Columbus, Mississippi
Yes, provided that you process your pint jars for 75 minutes and quarts for 90 minutes at 10 pounds pressure. If you live at an altitude above 1,000 feet, you may have to increase your pressure to suit your altitude; consult your canning book for directions. — Jackie
Canning sauce for pork and beans
Today we had a 50th anniversary party for a couple from our church. We had baked beans made from pork and beans. We drained the sauce from the can and I want to try to see if I can home can it and use it for my own baked and/or pork and beans. It seams like a crime to throw it away. It is very good tasting and should work for my own product.
Nancy Foster
Dallas City, Illinois
I think if it were me, I’d make a big batch of baked beans, using your liquid, then can up the whole thing. Canning the liquid alone is probably not a good idea, as you don’t know how much bean/ham debris is actually in it, so you wouldn’t know what length of time it should be processed for. Besides, a batch of home-canned baked beans ALWAYS is welcome in the pantry! — Jackie