I got to “play” with our Hud-Son bandsaw mill this afternoon. We had picked the last of our sweet corn after it had gotten frosted. Because sweet corn will convert sugars to starch in a few days after a freeze, I needed to get that canned up pronto. So I husked it all, then went out to join Will in the drizzle, as he was setting up to saw 2×6 rafters, 16 feet long, for our new calf stable. Under his watchful eye, I got to saw the rafters, getting pointers all the while on how to best run our new saw. I can’t get over how fast those nice boards are sawn!

Then, while I went in to finish up the corn, Will finished up the last rafters and hauled them down to the yard to measure and cut to length. He went down to the building site and, with a chain and come-along, he drew the upright posts into perfect alignment vertically. Plumb, level, and square makes the roof come out perfectly!

I’ve got nine pints of corn, mixed with carrots, on the table right now, cooling down and Will’s down, nailing the rafters in place. With winter coming on like a freight train, we have to work in the rain and heat just to get everything done we need to do.

Take a look at our “wedding calf,” Lace’s bull calf that was born on our wedding day. He’s just a little more than three months old and take a look at the size on that baby! Wow! He’s going to make a real nice herd bull for someone next year. As he’s purebred Milking Shorthorn, from an A.I bull, we kept him intact. I’ve been handling him daily and teaching him manners as well. We love him, but do not want him to develop into a pushy, dangerous bull. — Jackie


  1. Nancy,

    David didn’t get signed up for the course he wanted soon enough; it was filled by last spring! So he’s waiting and working two jobs. We don’t see much of him; a few minutes in the morning and otherwise here and there. He IS a great young man and has helped around here so very much.
    I’m still waiting for a real kitchen. I have no kitchen cupboards or counters. And it’s been six years and counting. Oh well, it’s no big deal and we’re making tentative plans.

  2. Don’t hear much about David anymore. Lots of kids envy where he is at. Is he off to college now? He sure grew up nicely. I want to build an 8 sided barn for my horses but are just now getting my kitchen done after 2 years. Our daughter is getting married next month and that is what it took to get going on it.

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