Canning strawberry pulp
We always have extra strawberries and not much in the way of extra freezer space.This year I wanted to try canning my extra berries as a pulp to be added to juice and yogurt to freeze for popsicles. My question is, would I can the pulp as you would jam but without the pectin and less sugar or can I do it without anything added to it at all?
Tammy Ritchie
Roseburg, Oregon
Sounds like a great idea! IF we get strawberries, I’ll give it a try, too. (Last year a late freeze zapped nearly all our strawberry blossoms! No strawberries.) I’d add a little sugar, to taste, and can up the pulp/juice just like that. The sugar may help keep the color a little better than canned strawberries, which can up a bit pale. — Jackie
Hens not laying
I’ve had chickens for 17 years and have a couple of 2 year olds that haven’t laid in 6-7 months…they have molted and are in fine shape again. Here’s the question…I have a 9 yr old Rhode Island…my two that aren’t laying are also Rhodies. Is there such a thing as capable hens not laying just because their “Like breed” isn’t laying? All my others are laying fine and so did these two last year. They are healthy and young! I’m about ready to put them in the STEW POT!
Linda Drummond
Eagle River, Alaska
No. There are many reasons chickens don’t lay, but that isn’t one of them. They may be taking a vacation and will start laying later in the summer. Or not. Unfortunately this is why some hens end up in pot pie. — Jackie