Tag: Issue #181

10 tips for selling your homemade product

By Lisa Nourse My husband and I purchased our current property when we were young and poor — very poor. Shortly after purchasing the property we...

Composite lumber helps outdoor projects resist water, weather, and sun

By Steve Maxwell How many times have you built an outdoor project out of wood, only to be disappointed by the deterioration that hit after...

Earning money from home

By Patrice Lewis With the economy in uncertain territory, many people are looking for ways to earn money from home, either as “pin” money or...

Mid-season planting

By Jackie Clay-Atkinson As the saying goes “Life happens…” Maybe events have kept you from getting your garden planted early in the spring. When we...

Sourdough simplified

By Jim Capossela I’m not a movie buff but one could imagine that you wouldn’t have to watch too many John Wayne movies before seeing...