6 Editor’s Note
7 Editorial:
A personal word for BHM’s print issue subscribers
40 Lenie in the kitchen:
Creamy chicken and wild rice soup
55 Ask Jackie:
Saving bean seeds, storing powdered milk, canning Chinese food, sugarless jam, etc.
59 The Irreverent Joke Page
60 Ayoob on Firearms:
Guns and years: Going back thirty
73 The gee-whiz page!
75 Letters
76 Classified ads/Classified advertising form (pdf)
77-80 BHM anthologies & books
81-82 Order form/Subscription Info
For a subscription
Call 1-541-247-8900
8 Preparedness: walk the walk
21 The importance of a prepper community
71 Make deer antler buttons
15 Build a concrete root cellar
51 Off-grid retreat — putting it all together, part 3
Food and recipes
26 Fermenting salsa and hot sauce
44 Baking bread
65 Think of it this way: Issues for 2018-2020
Farm and garden
34 What can you do with a quince?