6 Editor’s Note
7 Editorial:
The obviousness of it all!
34 Ayoob on Firearms:
Marksmanship mistakes: The Asoh defense
59 The Irreverent Joke Page
61 Ask Jackie:
Storing a pressure canner, walking onions, mice in the garden, etc.
74 Letters
76 Classified ads/Classified advertising form (pdf)
77-80 BHM anthologies & books
81-82 Order form/Subscription Info
For a subscription
Call 1-541-247-8900
8 Your survival depends on water
13 My zero-waste experiment
47 The truth about DIY laundry soap
54 Everyday carry: A “frontline” survival kit
50 Off-grid retreat — putting it all together, part 2
Food and recipes
68 Why the world needs capitalism
Farm and garden
20 Solutions for common apple tree problems
26 How to slaughter and butcher a goat
42 Growing, harvesting, and storing potatoes