This cover by Backwoods Home Magazine’s longtime artist, Don Childers, features a young girl watching a small herd of cows. In the distance, the orchard is beginning to blossom and a patch of wildflowers bloom in front of the house. Spring is here! Later, her parents will milk the cows and she’ll get to play with the newborn calf.
6 Publisher’s Note
7 Editorial:
Fake News and the growing irrelevancy of mass media
49 Ayoob on Firearms:
Economy guns from blue chip makers
57 The Irreverent Joke Page
58 Lenie in the kitchen:
Lemon scones, pound cake, and pie
55 The gee whiz! page
61 Ask Jackie:
Rose hip juice, pickled peppers, elderberry wine, rancid brown rice, wood chips as mulch, etc.
76 Classified ads/Classified advertising form (pdf)
77-80 BHM anthologies & books
81-82 Order form/Subscription Info
For a subscription
Call 1-541-247-8900
8 The economics of homesteading
36 There’s no such thing as free land!
43 Communications during a grid-down event
Food and recipes
23 Make vegetable noodles
Farm and garden
19 Growing produce in Zone 0
28 A good rooster