6 Editor’s Note
7 Editorial:
Take care of your own neighborhood
57 Ayoob on Firearms:
Defending against terroristic mass murder
70 The gee-whiz! page
74 Ask Jackie:
Freezing goat milk, dewberry jelly, transplanting raspberries, canning butter, etc.
82 Letters
86 The Last Word:
Donald Trump and the return of the Contract with America
88 Classified ads/Classified advertising form (pdf)
90-96 BHM anthologies & books
97-98 Order form/Subscription Info
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30 The adventures of a first-time homesteader
47 Splitting wood the right way
54 Processing freshwater fish
79 Bed bugs and fleas
12 Make your own cheese press
63 Build a makeshift compost commode
Food and recipes
8 Make your own pressed cheese
34 Simple pectin-free blueberry jam
36 Old-fashioned corn recipes
41 Fully utilize your corn
42 Make simplified country wine
66 Cooking with coconut
Farm and garden
15 Goats: The homesteader’s Swiss Army knife
22 Attract bees to your garden
50 Chicken egg anomalies