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Keeping homestead animals healthy
By Jackie Clay-Atkinson
Issue #169 • January/February, 2018
As a veterinary field technician for more than 20 years, I saw firsthand the frustration and heartbreak when...
Build a Composter
By Charles Sanders
Issue #170 • March/April, 2018
As with most of the other facets of homesteading, composting can be as simple or as elaborate as...
Grow Open-Pollinated Tomatoes
By Jackie Clay-Atkinson
Issue #166 • July/August, 2017
Nearly all of us homesteaders grow tomatoes in our gardens. Tomatoes are hugely valuable as a homestead crop....
How to Grow Potatoes
By Alice B. Yeager
Issue #97 • January/February, 2006
Potato plants need plenty of sunshine, a well drained soil, and no weed or grass interference. Ideal...
By Alice B. Yeager and James O. Yeager
Issue #115 • January/February, 2009
I was a girl of 8 when the stock market crashed in 1929. It was the Great Depression, and unless you were living during the Depression years, you can't really understand how tough they were. Our parents knew,...
By Tom Kovach
Growing up on a farm in north-central Minnesota wasn’t all chores and hard work … although there was plenty of that too. But back in the l950s and early l960s when I was growing up there were a number of small farms like ours within a mile...
By John Silveira
Issue #34 • July/August, 1995
(This is a four-part series. Click the links to navigate to parts one, two, three, and four.)
Do I have to stay and help you?" my 12-year old son asked.
I stood by the edge of the bathtub staring at the exposed plumbing. I could...