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Good-bye old friend
By Lucy Shober
Issue #27 • May/June, 1994
Big Poney died today. He was 34 years old and had been going down pretty rapidly over this...
Growing Microgreens
By Lisa Nourse
Issue #176 • April/May/June, 2019
The small town where I live has two small grocery stores and getting a good variety of organic...
The Homestead Greenhouse
By Charles Sanders
Issue #67 • January/February, 2001
For those of us living close to the land, the production of a dependable and healthful food supply...
Tea for the garden
By Lisa Nourse
We have poor soil and do our best to amend it with compost and manure every year. However, we feel our plants...
Friends and Fellow Citizens: The period for a new election of a citizen, to administer the executive government of the United States, being not far distant, and the time actually arrived, when your thoughts must be employed in designating the person who is to be clothed with that important...
By John Silveira
Issue #119 • September/October, 2009
Gun control people don't seem to get just how deeply etched into the American psyche gun ownership goes and that the resistance to being disarmed by their own government runs even deeper.
Private arms have been confiscated from the populace in almost every other...
By Tom Kovach
Growing up on a farm in north-central Minnesota wasn’t all chores and hard work … although there was plenty of that too. But back in the l950s and early l960s when I was growing up there were a number of small farms like ours within a mile...