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6  Publisher’s Note

7  Editorial:
Training for the Boston Marathon

20  Ask Jackie:
Powdered egg shelf life, Dry goods storage and battling weevils, Drying lemons, Mincemeat recipes, Potato scab, Canning winter squash, “Hot seal” canning question, Canning chili peppers, Canning pumpkin, Giving mild/sweet pepper a “bite,” Chiltipine question, Blackberries, etc.

26  Irreverent joke page

64  Ayoob on Firearms:
Winchester ’94: the classic backwoods home deer rifle

34  Claire goes to the movies
The best TV series you never saw

86  Letters

91  Classified ads (pdf)

91  Classified advertising form

90   Advertiser Index

95   BHM anthologies, CD-ROMs, & books

96-97  Order form/Subscription Info

98  The last word:
Why we have no “constitutional” rights

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Cover 92
This issue’s cover by Don Childers is a painting done in gouache, a type of watercolor on illustration board. He said he got the idea for the cover while visiting a farm where he lives in Colorado. While there, he watched a fellow milking a cow as a large tomcat looked on. The guy looked over his shoulder at Don and said, “He hangs around because, every once in a while I give him a shot in the face.” Don said he went home, substituted a woman for the man, added two more cats, and painted this cover for BHM and its readers.


Building and tools

8  The forever floor   By David Lee

56  Adding the beauty of stone to your home is easy   By David King

Alternative energy

37  Build a simple solar powered outdoor light   By Jeffrey R. Yago, P.E., CEM

Farm and garden

16  Delicious crisp cool weather greens are easy to grow   By Alice Brantley Yeager

28  Build a heated germination bed   By Charles Sanders

30  Some tips for aging gardeners   By Tom R. Kovach

50  Swiss chard, the leaf vegetable that keeps on giving!   By Raymond Nones

51  Start spring off early with potatoes, English peas, green onions, lettuce, & radishes   By Alice Brantley Yeager


31  Couponing, refunding, and stockpiling will make your money stretch   By Mary Kenyon

42  Starting over again, Part 3: An unexpected freeze and a bigger temporary home   By Jackie Clay

59  Butcher block restoration   By Tom R. Kovach

70  Removing mold

71  The art of living in small spaces   By Claire Wolfe

Food and recipes

60  Stinging nettle: Mother Nature’s healthiest pick   By Linda Gabris

75  Versatile beans   By Carol L. Chandler

77  Goat milk recipes   By Jackie Clay

Visiting the old days

79  Perfect Dread   By Danny Fulks