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6  Publisher’s Note

7  Editorial:
The burglar does more than steal

67  Ask Jackie:
Purchasing raw acorns, free-range chickens, using a washboard, getting rid of stumps, canning safety, peanut butter shelf life, moving to Alaska, desert gardening, sheep vs goats, bleaching flour, acidic tomatoes, “puffing” cereal

28  Think of it this way:
Fake lawsuits, stacked juries, and lawyers

72  Irreverent joke page

11  Ayoob on Firearms:
Common sense about burglary prevention

81  Letters

90  Classified ads (pdf)

90  Classified advertising form

93   Advertiser Index

95   BHM anthologies, CD-ROMs, & books

96-97  Order form/Subscription Info

98  The last word:
Getting rich through generosity

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Cover 89
This issue’s cover is from a photograph taken by BHM’s own John Silveira. The subject is Dave and Ilene Duffy’s oldest son, Jacob, age 12. The photo was taken in May of 2003 on the beach near the estuary of Myers Creek, just south of Gold Beach, Oregon, during a negative tide. While the rest of his family scouted other parts of the beach, Jacob stopped to search for sand dollars hidden in the mud. Silveira took the opportunity to sneak up on the unsuspecting Jacob and catch him kneeling over his own reflection. It’s the perfect “Country Moment” of a curious young boy.


Building and tools

33  Metal roofs   By Tom R. Kovach

42  Novel rolled roof shingles to compliment split shake siding   By David Lee


18  35 country jobs: how folks make a living near my hometown   By Charles Sanders

24  Creating wealth with DRIPs (Dividend Reinvestment Plans)   By Gary F. Arnet

77  Turning down the thermostat saves   By Tom R. Kovach

Food and recipes

61  Tasty uses for garden and wild edibles   By Alice Brantley Yeager

76  From water to plate, handling fish safely   By Tom R. Kovach

77  Tahini: a health food par-excellence   By Habeeb Salloum

Alternative energy

37  Solar power 101: Inverters   By Jeffrey Yago, P.E., CEM

56  Designing the nonelectric homestead or retreat   By Steven Gregersen

Farm and Garden

8  Raising market lambs on the small place   By Charles Sanders

80  Grass as mulch   By Tom R. Kovach

Remembering the old days

74  Get a piece of history: an M1 Garand rifle   By Mike Blank

80  The first and last time I smoked   By Al Hartgrove

Small Town America

50  Snowflake, Arizona   By Emily Salinger