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A Backwoods Home Anthology — The Fourteenth Year
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6  Publisher’s Note

7  Editorial:
Confronting the enemy

78  Ask Jackie:
“Rescuing” sugar, making beet sugar, is pigweed poisonous?, “big” animals when they die, and growing “spelt”

53  Ayoob on Firearms:
In time of war: The Israeli answer to terrorism

34  Think of it this way:
Biological and chemical weapons through history

52  Irreverent joke page

67  The gee-whiz! page

80  Letters

86   Advertiser Index

82  Classified ads (pdf)

82  Classified advertising form

91-98   BHM anthologies, CD-ROMs, & books

88-89  Order form/Subscription Info

87  The last word:
Is television still a wasteland?

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Cover 81
Don Childers is back!

We here at Backwoods Home Magazine feel he hit a home run with his latest cover. With this issue being filled with the real doom and gloom issues that face us today, we wanted to remind ourselves and our readers of the things worth saving in America.

The cover is a scene of the American dream with Old Glory at the forefront. We can only keep them if we prepare ourselves and keep ourselves strong.



8  What can you do to protect yourself against chemical, biological, and nuclear terrorism   By Gary F. Arnet, D.D.S.

Terrorism can come to us in many forms. Dr. Arnet looks at some of the more sinister possibilities: chemical, biological, and nuclear. He explains how they may happen and explains some of the steps we as individuals can take to protect ourselves and our families.

21  Dark Winter — A simulated terrorist attack on three American cities using weaponized smallpox   By Dave Duffy

No one knows exactly what the consequences of a biological attack on the United States could be. But the experts have tried creating simulations of such a catastrophe and the results are scary. BHM publisher Dave Duffy has painstakingly distilled the results of the experts’ findings for our readers.

28  How safe is smallpox vaccine?   By Dave Duffy

Smallpox is a disease that carries a 30% mortality rate, and the scars it leaves on survivors are ugly and lifelong. Vaccines can protect you, but carry their own dangers. Dave Duffy tells you how to assess the risks of vaccination vs. no vaccination and how to make an informed decision whether and when to get one.

44  Traditional trail foods — transportable calories   By Brad Rohdenburg

You can spend your money on expensive commercial “trail” foods—or you can make your own traditional trail foods that are less expensive, good tasting, and packed with energy.

47  Preparedness for travelers   By Brad Rohdenburg

Disasters don’t just happen when you’re at home. A survival situation may arise when you’re traveling in your car, in a hotel, or at an airport in a Third World country. Brad Rohdenburg tells you what you should do to prepare and protect yourself in many of these situations.

50  Jackie Clay’s basic “grab & git” emergency kits   By Jackie Clay

Are you ready if disaster strikes? BHM’s longtime contributor, Jackie Clay, gives her expert advice on how to put together “grab & git” kits to help you make it through if you have to leave your home in a hurry to weather an unexpected disaster.

68  Chapter 3: Occupational hazard   By Robert Waters

Sixty-year-old Ann Barry went to bed at 9:30 and fell into a deep sleep. Later, she heard a thump. She thought she was having a nightmare. But the real nightmare was about to begin. Ann woke to find that all that stood betwen her and a troop of home invaders was her .357 and her guts. This is Chapter 3 from Robert Waters’ new book, Guns Save Lives.

72  The West Nile virus threat   By Gary F. Arnet, D.D.S.

A new and sometimes deadly disease has reached our shores and it’s here to stay. Dr. Arnet explains what this new disease is and the steps you can take to protect yourself.

Farm & Garden

60  The home citrus orchard   By Anita Evangelista

64  Companion planting   By Beverly Mettot