
Note from the publisher
Do we really need more Democracy?
Ayoob on firearms:
Home handgun defense: simplicity suffices
Think of it this way:
Would the United States be better off if it was a Christian nation
Original poems:
John Silveira
Irreverent joke page
BHM books
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Making a living/saving money
- There’s money in wild mushrooms — if you know what you’re doing
- Victory Gardens
- Enjoy cheap, delicious lettuce all through the winter months
Country living
- Get a jump start on homesteading with a recreation vehicle
- Canning your meats and vegetables at home — it’s not only easy, it’s safe and inexpensive
- Use common herbs to treat the common cold
- Long-term food storage
- Build a backwoods cat-boat— it’s super-simple, inexpensive
- Buy your country place from the government
- WebTV: Economy transportation for the information highway
- Preserve mushroom harvests
- Dreaming of a Civil War Christmas dinner
- Dad’s incredible (secret ingredient) holiday ham
- Can you boil water?
- Try these tasty solutions to those pesky problem critters around the homestead
- This year brew your own holiday beer