
Note from the publisher
A history lesson from Ayn Rand
Where I live:
Kiss Critters they’re cute and they sell
Ayoob on firearms:
Accessable to you, but not the kids
Think of it this way:
Losing our rights as we watch television
These rolls will enrich a meal, or even be a meal
If you can boil water you can make a good stew
Original Poems:
Melissa Sullivan
Save time and energy with the fenced chicken coop/garden
Rid your garden of snails and slugs organically
Many choices for mulch
You can make your own fertilizers
Soil aeration is essential to a successful garden
For extra production, try mound gardening
You can learn to help chicks live through “problem hatches”
Repel garden pests with companion planting
Enjoy snap beans fresh from the garden
Lawn care tips
Trees enhance any yard but…if you’re planning your garden near trees, remember these tips
Raise your own feed crops for your livestock
Make superior hay the old-fahioned way
Make manure tea for a more bountiful garden
Build your own backwoods mulch machine
There are lots of ways to compost Find the one that’s right for you
Trimming feet is important
Set 100 steel fence posts a day with a home-made driver
- This house was blasted out of solid rock
Self Sufficiency
Country living
Gold is where you find it and it’s found along the Klamath
- Panning with nature and history