
Note from the publisher
The “Leave Us Alone” coalition
What if there’s no doctor?
Surviving a heart attack in the backwoods
Where I live:
Walking and riding in the woods
Ayoob on Firearms:
The backwoods hunter
Homesteading on the electronic frontier:
Harvesting information from the Internet
Make delicious meals all winter with stored vegetables and spices
Venison deserves gourmet treatment
Southern cooking that doesn’t just whisle Dixie
Book Reviews:
How to FInd Your Ideal Country Home
Build Your Ark!
In a Dark Wood
River of Life, Channel of Death
Guide to Wild Foods
Original Poems:
John Earl Silveira
Diane M. Calabrese
Those leftover fall tomatoes are a delicious bounty that should be put aside for the future
It’s easy to build your own milking stanchion
Here are some tips on how to store apples for a long, long time
Careful planning will make harvesting and preserving food a year-long process
Make “recycled wine” from leftover fruit pulp
Improve your poultry with selective breeding
Here are some cucumber pickles to make at home
Enrich your soil with cover crops
Here are some tasty ways to use those end-of-the-season green tomatoes
Make grape juice the easy way
Keep fresh greens in your garden even in the snow by using row cover
Cracking black walnuts can be “almost fun”
Keep onions fresh…with panty hose
Traditional ways of keeping your corn crop and seed corn are still very effective
Use plastic to get a head start on corn in the fall
Sheet composting is a work saver
Squash seeds are a delicious, nutritious snack
Leaf mold is another way to build your soil
Solve chinking woes with a morter-sawdust mix
Self Sufficiency
Country living
- Pressing cider and memories
- Orphaned kittens need special care
A few strings attached