
Note from the publisher
Born of desperation
Where I live:
Working for a dad who works at home
Homesteading on the electronic frontier:
Cybrarian a great Internet job
Ayoob on firearms:
The price of machismo
Think of it this way:
Want proof of luck, ESP and psychic powers
Perfect whole wheat breads…some troubleshooting ideas
Book Reviews:
The Natural Soap Book
How to Run Your Own Home Business
Spare Time Cash
Cheesemaking Made Easy
The All-American Cowboy Cookbook
The Budget Gardener
Original Poems:
John Earl Silveira
Making a living
If you have some solid how-to knowledge to sell, writing and publishing a book is not that hard
- Delicious, wholesome and just enough “crunch” , these special soybeans sell for $2 a pound
Here are two country couples who diversified to make a living
The “night crawler condo” is a great way to make money
Got some weekend residents in your area? Then your home business is waiting to open
Raising rabbits for meat and making money, it’s hard to beat this creature on the homestead
This family started a used bookstore for under $2,000
You can have a good career as a nurse practicioner no matter where you live
Consider small-scale hog production for delicious food and reliable income
Simplify, save and grow food and trade and you,too, can afford to work for yourself
You can make extra money as a tringer
- A guaranteed-catch, U-catch trout pond is a fun and profitable business
Money doesn;t grow on trees, but you can grow it in your garden
You can make this effective gray water disposal system
Self sufficiency
For headache, fever or even rheumatism, relief is as near as the familiar willow plant
Felting is an ancient art that’s still useful today
Forage for wood lettuce and ground coral and you can spice up your outdoor eating
Using trot lines, set lines and jug fishing will increase your fish catch substantially