
Note from the publisher
The age of misinformation
Homesteading on the electronic frontier:
There’s plenty of information on the Internet about building and doing repairs
Ayoob on firearms:
The Marlin Model 60 It’s the classic backwoods home rifle
Think of it this way:
Just how smart is that computer on your desk?
Make quick and easy pasta
Safe, delicious and inexpensive home preserves
Book reviews:
Graphic Guide to Frame Construction
The Very Efficient Carpenter
From Field & Forest: The Guide to Making Wild Jelly
Starting Over
The Busy Person’s Guide to Preserving Food
Original poems:
John Earl Silveira
Make your own lumber with a chainsaw mill
Here’s a “helping hand” for your chainsaw mill
You have to look beyond the building code to create really pleasing stairs
Would you believe…a canvas roof? It’s simple, quick, durable and cheap
A brick walk with little work and less money
- Build a three-car garage for $78
Lessons I learned while building my log home
Concrete domes have some impressive advantages
Cob construction isliterallydirt cheap
Self Sufficiency
White sage the quintessential chaparral herb
Independent energy
Plan your energy-independent home before you begin construction