
Note from the publisher
The tax problem
Where I live:
Caught in the ‘Net
Homesteading on the electronic frontier:
Harvesting the Internet for gardening information
Original poems
Olive L. Sullivan
Wilma Hinman
John Silveira
Ben Sizemore
Book Reviews
The Orchard Almanac
Independent Energy Guide
Evolution of an Independent Home
A country moment
Eating crow that isn’t bad
From humble stew to curried root soup, root vegetables are an overlooked delight
Make these hot drinks for liquid comfort
It’s cheap and easy to multiply plants by using these propagation techniques
Soil pH is the secret of a good garden
Protect those young trees from frost and vermin
Don’t have a cow! (Get a steer instead)
Try these organic controls for garden pests
Stop bugs Nature’s way
Combat aphids by planting garlic
You definately want to grow your own asparagus
The Ichiban Hybrid eggplant is a real producer
For something different in your garden, try ground cherries
High altitude gardening it’s a challenge but these helpful tips can get you started
Goats don’t eat zucchini
Grow horehound for the health of it
Blueberries are an affordable luxury
The duck dilemma: they’re a lot of fun, and theydoeat those slugs but…
Scrap poly pipe can be transformed into “training wheels for trees”
Lilacs can provide a reliable “thermometer” for planting
When you’re laying out your farm, careful planning pays big dividends
Follow these eight easy steps to a successful eggplant harvest
Whose garden is this anyway?
For some surprises in your garden, grow potatoes from seed
Self Sufficiency
Tobacco has some uses that might surprise you
What you do on one side of an equation, you do to the other to keep it balanced
Country living
Making the move
Here are some thoughts about finding your dream place garden and all
Independent energy
PV pioneer describes his successful solar home