
Note from the publisher
The new frontier
Think of it this way:
Just how good a bet are those lotto tickets?
Where I live:
Salvaged wood makes a good goat shed
Ayoob on firearms:
My choice for the ideal backwoods gun is the four-inch .44 Magnum handgun
Homesteading on the electronic frontier:
Find information fast on the Internet
Salads for winter
Try these bread recipes that are part of our heritage and still delicious today
Beans they may be a poor man’s meat, but they are also a gourmet’s delight
Book Review:
The Ayoob Files
Here’s a cold storage house as good as our ancestors built
Propane is a multi-purpose fuel, and it has many key advantages
Self Sufficiency
- You can earn a college degree without ever leaving home, thanks to TVs and computers
Our homestead motto: Make-do
For this resourceful couple, primitive survival skills are a path to self sufficiency
How I’ve started my child in a program of homeschooling
Country living
Making the move
When it comes to land contracts be careful! Here are some critical points to remember
The Fuyugaki persimmon it really is “food for the gods”
These are Jacob’s sheep
Shiitake muchrooms for food and for cash you “plant” them by inoculating logs
Try these smaller breeds of multi-purpose cattle
NASA says these plants will help clean the air in your home
The amazing aloe