
Note from the publisher
The new power of the mass media is eroding the freedom of the press
Smoked turkey, smoked brisket
Soups and stew for late winter
Original poems:
Richard Lee Rose
John Silveira
June Knight
Book Reviews
How to find and buy your business in the country
Secrets of plant propagation
Hand-taming wild birds
Video reviews:
SAS Survival Techniques
Person Profile:
Kurt Saxon’s lessons in survival
Sunelco dealers in the sun
Just for kids:
Help for nature’s nursery
- Land regulations are making it harder to move to the country
Country life
- Barn cleaning
- In praise of the rural post office
- Recycle those old clothes into a braided rug
- Farm ethics
Alternative energy
- Using a “producer gas” generator to create electricity
- The sensible, integrated photovoltaic energy system
Self sufficiency/Money/Jobs
- What you should know about gold
- A chronology of gold in American history
- Making a living as a writer
- Using photos to sell your writing
- Making and selling tire gardens
- Cleaning and maintaining your firearms
- High beds and high production…with less work
- Using hybrids and creating your own varieties
- Roll your own biofertilizer
- Hotbeds an old but still sound method to help you get a jump on the growing season
- Friendly alternatives for insect and pest control
- Hamfests overlooked goldmines for hobbyists an collectors
- Alternative education learning in the real world
- A homeschool assignment