
Note from the publisher
Recession and AIDS
Good food for hard times
Original poems:
John Silveira
Linda Hutton
Michael Andy Darr
Magazine/Book Reviews
How to be successful in the Antique Business
Victorian Houseware, Kitchenware and Hardware
USDA Agriculture Research Magazine
Survivalist SIG Newsletter
Understand Home Construction
- Wow! Field-fabricated standing-seam metal roofing
- Heat your upstairs by cutting holes in the floor
- Straw bale houses an alternative
Country life
- Marvels in small packages
- Greechie, the hummingbird
- Fire ants on the march in the U.S.
- Cooking with woodstoves
- Preparing yourself for springtime floods
- God willing and the creek don’t rise
- Make a crazy quilt
- Teach your kids the fun, safe way to split kindling
Alternative energy
- Charging RV batteries with the sun
Self sufficiency/Money /Guns
- Now that you ahve your little slice of heaven, how to pay for it
- An overview of centerfire rifles
- Creating your own life at home without special tools
- Chop ’em, drop ’em & lop ’em…a rank beginner’s guide to logging
- Getting more cash from your crafts
- Growing Christmas trees a year-round part-time business
- Parakeets for cash
- Family works together at successful home-based business
- Seed starting the easy way
- The bonus of blackberries
- The all purpose power food soybeans!
- Good farm management puts money in your pocket
- Kricket Krap for your garden
- Carob the chocolate alternative
- Backwoods Home Magazine’s “uptown” laboratory water test
- Home remedies