
Note from the publisher
“There’s no stopping term limits”
Just for kids:
Logic puzzles
Classic vegetarian dishes
Original Poems and short story:
Tom Chance
John Earl Silveira
Rosemary White’s Mushrooms
Book, magazine & video reviews:
Shelters, Shacks and Shanties
The Potential of Herbs as a Cash Crop
The Consumer’s Guide to Planet Earth
Rodale’s Chemical Free Yard and Garden
Hydroponics: Set Up, Care and Maintenance
Product review:
The Basic Survival Tool
- There’s nothing like metal roofing
- New homes from old homes
- The Toolbox hammers & drills
- Some ideas for remodeling and living from Catamount Farm
- Reliving “The American West” at the Hart Canyon Rendezvous
- Why does the year begin in January?
Alternative energy
- How an inverter fits into your solar electric system
Country living/Crafts
- A road kill could kill you too!
- Creating with saltdough
- A woman’s backwoods philosophy
Self sufficiency/Money/
- Some tips on drying foods at home
- Learning to shoot safely, effectively
- Opportunity is knocking for the country parson
- Daily life of the country parson
- Clean up with house cleaning
- How to homebrew beer
- Hydroponics growing plants indoors without soil
- A hydroponic greenhouse
- Butchering, cleaning and cooking chickens
- Animal lifesavers CPR & comfrey