
Note from the publisher
“Just Once in a Lifetime, Group of 100”
Just for kids:
Logic puzzles
Holiday goodies for people with allergies
Original poems:
John Earl Silveira
Larry Cuthbert
Magazine/Book Reviews
How to Buy Land Cheap
Forget the Gas Pumps Make Your Own Fuel
Great Hideouts of the West
The Family Cow
Home Chiropractic video
Countryside and Small Stock Journal
Insight on the News
Product review:
- Make your own rooter rotor
- Log building school in woods offers hands-on training
- A house-heating solar greenhouse
- Bicentennial of the “Bill of Rights” would we pay the price again?
Alternative energy
- The sunless, windless, waterless alternative energy system
- Solar cells power historic ranches off California Coast
Country living/Crafts
- The .22 another useful firearm for country living
- Instant scarflace
Self sufficiency/Money
- A good plan to help you achieve financial independence
- Let common sense, your taste buds guide you to storing food at home
- Physician Assistant a country career with opportunities galore
- Getting started in the firewood business
- Sources of firewood
- Feed seven on under $300 a month
- How to raise rabbits rabbits rabbits rabbits rabbits rabbits
- Self-seeding herbs add random fragrance, beauty to your vegetable garden
- For battling ants or growing earthworms, try coffee grounds
- Salt blueberries to preserve them
- Everything you ever wanted to know about chickens (Part II)
- Stopping the diet-go-round
- Holiday goodies for people with allergies