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A Backwoods Home Anthology — The Nineteenth Year
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6  Publisher’s Note

7  Editorial:
A momentous event that puts the Presidential race in perspective

34  Irreverent joke page

73  Ask Jackie:
Escaping hens, canning salsa, community canning, manure tea, fencing, voles, etc.

66  Ayoob on Firearms:
An economical battery of guns for the backwoods home

83  Letters

89  The last word:
The world is coming to an end…and this time, I’m not kidding

88   Advertiser Index

90  Classified ads (pdf)

90  Classified advertising form

93-95   BHM anthologies, CD-ROMs, & books

96-97  Order form/Subscription Info

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Cover 114
he entire staff took part in the creation of this issue’s cover. Lenie baked seven batches of bread, then the staff layed out the loaves and rolls, first on a table on the lawn, then on our antique office cookstove in the lobby. In the end, Annie Tuttle displayed the bread on a table at home and shot the photo that became the cover. Now that we’re finally done doing the “photo shoot” for the cover, the staff gets to have a well-deserved snack.



44  The fire wick fire starter   By Len McDougall

Simple technology to create an inexpensive, waterproof, and easily-lit tinder.

53  The community treasure chest   By Sandy Coates

A great idea to save money, recycle, and make new friends.


24  Our energy crisis, Part 2 of 3: Nuclear energy is sensible and safe.   By John Silveira

According to John Silveira, resuming the building of nuclear power plants may not be an option anymore — it may be an imperative.


58  Random weave greenbrier   By Pamela Zimmerman

Directions for a simple and versatile method of weaving greenbrier or other vines to make baskets and garden sculptures.

Food and recipes

8  Whole grain breads   By Richard Blunt

Richard explains how to make whole grain breads that will appeal to your entire family and still provide healthy benefits.

36  Cash in on autumn’s bounty of crabapples   By Linda Gabris

47  Great home-cooked meals from your storage pantry   By Jackie Clay

Eating from a long-term storage pantry does not have to be boring. Jackie provides recipes using canned and dehydrated foods your family will love during hard times or not.

62  Lenie in the kitchen: Never too busy to make bread   By Ilene Duffy

81  Making bouillon cubes   By Selina Rifkin


78  Community-supported agriculture   By Claire Wolfe