
Note from the publisher
Rush Limbaugh champion of “the Right”
Just for kids:
Kid’s Funny Drawing Contest
Product reviews
21 Pastabilities
Original poems:
John Silveira
Cathleen Thomsen
Larry Cuthbert
Magazine/Book Reviews
Back to Basics
More-With-Less Cookbook
Rodale’s Garden Problem Solver
The Antique Tool Collector’s Guide to Value
Vanishing American Outhouse
The Voluntyrist
The Homebuilt Dynamo
Home Sweet Home
- Save a bundle of money by building your home yourself
- Wood-Mizer to the rescue
Alternative energy
- A solution to the problem of transmitting solar electricity long distance
- Armech solar suspends operations
Electric vehicles
- Electric cars of the 1990’s small companies lead the way, but the “big three” have entered the race
Country living
- As a versatile country tool the shotgun is hard to beat
- Finding Mr. (or Mrs) Right when you’re in the backwoods
- Nursing: perfect country career
- Rodents and raptors a natural balance
- A kestral in the coop
- The old time spring house
Self sufficiency/Money
- A baker’s doen of uncommon uses for common substances
- Getting into desk-top publishing without blowing your budget
- How to draw up a contract without having to pay a lawyer
- Everything you ever wanted to know about chickens! Part I
- Great Pyrenees a one-of-a-kind guardian of stock
- Growing trees can pay off with some big dividends but it takes careful planning, planting and hard work
- Fall in the herb garden
- Country living health hints for children
- Make your own safe baking powder
Old days
- A walk down Memeory Lane through the amazing World Series of the past
- Old tin cans tell the real story of how pioneers tamed the West
- How to make your own stereo cards