
Note from the publisher
Politically Correct
Just for Kids:
Daily life of the pioneers
Kid’s Funny Drawing Contest
Twenty year update: Carla Emery and her old fashioned recipe book
Backwoods Home Recipes
Fountain treats from the fifties
Original Poems:
John Silveira
Magazine/Book reviews
Weeds: Control Without Poisons
Slo Lane Journal
Successful Small-Scale Farming
Adrift, 76 Days Lost At Sea
Alternative Energy Sourcebook
- How one man made the American dream come true
- Build durable wooden riding toys
- Instructions for building a toy horse
- Building for indoor air quality
- Make lifting easy with a rope and the principles of “mechanics”
Alternative Energy
- Photovoltaics Is the big price breakthrough just aroundt he corner?
- Water systems for homesteads with alternative electrical systems
- Is methane on your homestead practical?
- A tour of some alternative energy homes in the Pacific Northwest
Electric Vehicles
- Converting a gas car to electricity: What to keep, what to scrap
Country living
- The Ozark Hills lost mountains of the Midwest
- Tips on dealing with mosquitoes
- No more splitting headaches a beginners guide to splitting firewood
Self sufficiency/Money
- How to make soap from fat to finish
- Make twenty dollars per hour by baling and selling straw
- The next time you take a vacation, why not mix business with pleasure
- Achieving total self-sufficiency in five years or less
- The instant greenhouse
- Co-planting in the vegetable garden
- Injured and sick wildlife get a lease on life
- Easy-to-make window valences