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The homestead cat
By Jackie Clay-Atkinson
We have had at least one cat in our home ever since I was a young child. So it’s no wonder we...
The Best City Garden
By Anita Evangelista<!--
The best city garden
By Anita Evangelista
Issue #103 • January/February, 2007
City gardens and country gardens are differentnot only in the amount of space...
Caring for your chickens in winter
By Jackie Clay-Atkinson
As winter approaches, we all are thinking of ways to make our livestock and poultry as comfortable as possible when the cold...
Growing and Using Peppers
By Jackie Clay-Atkinson
Issue #164 • March/April, 2017
I’ve been growing peppers for more than 50 years now and can’t imagine a garden without them. There...
By Tom Kovach
Issue #79 • January/February, 2003
A person recently wrote to a large Midwest newspapers' advice column asking for information about outdoor privies. It seems that this person's family inherited a log cabin from out of the 1930s and it came with no indoor plumbing. Instead there was an...
By John Silveira
Issue #119 • September/October, 2009
Gun control people don't seem to get just how deeply etched into the American psyche gun ownership goes and that the resistance to being disarmed by their own government runs even deeper.
Private arms have been confiscated from the populace in almost every other...
By Marjorie Burris
Issue #57 • May/June, 1999
My grandmother, Mary Etta Dillman Graham, was one of those frontier women who took life as it came; extremely practical, resourceful and inventive, she was always, always ready to help other women. True to her time and her own modest nature, she never...